knowing the basics can help avoid filtration problems and understand how to deal with them when problems occur
mechanical fitration traps particles of uneaten food, fish waste, decayed plant materials and other aquarium debris
mechanical filtration is the first stage of the filtration process
should always be placed so that this is where aquarium water hits first
most mechanical media promote the colonisation of beneficial bacteria
particularly sponges or pads
biological filtration is not the main function of this media
but cleaning and changing this media will impact the biological capacity of the filter
types of mechanical filtration media, which are dependent on the type of filter used
some filters have pads, some have sponges, other have filter wool
in some cases, mechanical filtration media is designed to hold chemical filtration media
e.g., cartridge media used in some power fibres
materials have a range of coarse to fine, thus allowing for different degrees of filtration dependent on the pore size
some filters have multiple layers of mechanical media, the coarsest being placed first to remove larger particles first
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Mechanical Filtration Part 2
Sponges, pads or foam blocks are used in canister filters and some power filters
sold in rectangles, square or circles to match the opening of the filter basket
some may have several pore sizes available which should be matched with the purpose for what they are used
a very fine pore size may clog too quickly if used first in a filter
there are filter sponges that fit to the powerhead or filter intake to reduce water flow as well as provide filtration
filter wool or floss is used in a variety of filters
originated from tank box filters
continues to be used in canister and wet/dry sump or trickle filters
can be used when the carbon filter is removed, and stuffed in its place
combo cartridges are often used in power filters
combines the mechanical and chemical filtration
the exterior of the cartridge performs mechanical fitration
the media provides chemical filtration
carbon media should be discarded and replaced regularly
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Biological Fitration
biological filtration uses bacteria to remove potentially harmful substances from an aquarium
when bacteria in the tank 'eat' any compound, including ammonia, nitrite and nitrate
converts one chemical substance into another
ammonia to nitrite to nitrate
multiple types of bacteria are used in biological filtration
nitrifying bacteria: remove ammonia and nitrite from the water
nitrosomonas: eat ammonia, convert it into nitrite
nitrospira or nitrobacter: eat nitrite, convert it into nitrate
grow best on filter media with a large surface area, e.g., bio balls, filter floss, sponges, ceramic noodles
denitrifying bacteria: remove nitrates from the water
exist where there is no oxygen present
when there is oxygen the bacteria use this to breathe instead of the nitrates, which is a process that converts nitrates into nitrogen gas
occur in places such as inside rocks
volcanic rock and ceramic noodles are suitable media for denitrifying bacteria
for freshwater tanks denitrifying bacteria is the least important type of bacteria, most people skip over it completely
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Chemical Filtration
remove chemicals from the aquarium
including ammonia and nitrates
can also remove other pollutants such as: heavy metals, compounds (like sodium chloride), medication used to treat sick fish, tannins from driftwood that discolour the water
there are different types of chemical filtration
activated carbon which removes chlorine and chloramine, dissolved proteins, water discolouration, bad smells
zeolite is a natural volcanic rock that is made up mostly of silica and aluminium. It removes ammonia and is used in many freshwater aquariums.
oxide (aluminium oxide and iron oxide) is just rusted metal and removes phosphates. Aluminium oxide can increase aluminium levels in a saltwater aquarium so saltwater aquarium owners should use ferrous oxide instead
resin are used in water softening and purification. Man-made resins are made to remove specific chemical wastes such as phosphate and heavy metals.
chemical filters are not unlimited resources, and when they are full, they can start releasing chemicals back into the water and won't absorb any more
some chemical filters need changing every few weeks and others every few months
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