Arms Race and Space Race 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarA2/A-levelOCR Created by: epearce1998Created on: 20-06-17 13:44 Causes of Arms Race Insecurities on both sides Anxiety of Proliferation- fear of nuclear knowledge being spread to different countries USSR dropped atomic bomb in 1949 before the US had expected them to National pride- way to raise presitage and reuptation- 1962 spending $50 billion under Kennedy Domestic factors e.g. employment of 30 million and the military industrial complex 1 of 4 Key Weapons and Delivery Systems Weapons 1945- Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1949- USSR test first atomic weapon 1952- US Mike Tests 100x more powerful than Hiroshima 1955- USSR's Third Idea, as powerful as US H-bomb Development of massive relatiation- belief that huge nuclear arsenal would deter attack 1961- USSR test Tsar Bomba, but CIA discovered it could not be loaded onto an ICBM Delivery Systems 1950s-60s: strategic bombers, ICBMs, short range missles and ballistic missles from submarines 1956- USSR deploy TU20 Bear- long range, could reach USA, successful ICBM test in May USA focusing of IRBMs- smaller range but could target USSR from Middle East 1961- test of Minuteman ICBM- could strike USSR from West 2 of 4 Key Space Race Events October 1957- USSR sent Sputnik into orbit, November Sputnik 2 + Laika the dog December 1957- failure of USA's Vanguard, 'flopnik' Jan 1958- USA successful launch of Juno I rocket April 1958- Eisenhower creates NASA April 1961- Gargin first man to fly in orbit on Vostok 1, in May USA do same with Shepard on Freedom 7 September 1963- Kennedy proposes USA and USSR join forces, Krushchev rejected Jan 1967- UN Treaty on Princples of Outer Space signed by USSR and UK banned WMDs in Earth's orbit July 1969- Apollo 11 makes Neil Armstrong first man on moon 1975 Apollo-Soyuz link up 3 of 4 Cuban Missile Crisis Cuban Revolution 1959 under Castro USSR cut of trade links Khrushchev makes deal with Cuba to take trade and stations 40 missiles and 50,000 soldiers Attempt to overthrow Castro with Bay of Pigs invasion- disasterous Missile crisis after Kennedy spots missiles with spy planes Establishes military blockade, Soviet ships change course in October 26th October telegram saying Krushchev would end the crisis if Kennedy didn't invade 27th October said would end if Kennedy withdrew Jupiter missiles from Turkey Kennedy accepted first terms and agreed to remove Jupiter missiles in secret Consequences of crisis: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963 banned tests in atmosphere, space,sea Hot line set up between USA and USSR to improve communications 1964 Khrushchev removed, replaced by Brezhnev Policy of MAD embraced 4 of 4
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