Point = make a clear statement on what the paragraph will be about
Evidence = insert a quote as evidence to back up your point
Explanation = explain your point further
Link = end your paragraph by linking back to the question and the Point of your paragraph
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•Context= referring toimportant eventsduring the writing/setting of the book/poem/play•Alternative Interpretations=a different way of interpreting the quote chosen•Alternative readersfeelings= a different feeling (usually opposite to the first one you have chosen) that readers may feel•Alternative writersintention/purpose= a different reason why the writer may have written this book/poem/play•Explosion of quotes=analysingeach wordof the quote used to later express its meaning as a whole
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Paragraph Structure
Explosion of quotes
Readers Thoughts
Writers Intention
Alternative Interpretation
Alternative Readers thoughts/feelings
Alternative Writers Intention
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My tips are:
•learn the features WELL so you can quickly write them on a piece of paper at the beginning of the exam•keep a tally of the features you use to make sure you include them all in every paragraph•research information about the context before the exam to give you extra marks•practise using these features in otherparagraphsso you find the best technique for YOU