Biotechnology has been used for many year to produce foods such as cheese, yoghurt, chocolate, soy sauce, alcohol, etc. More recently we have started using mycroproteins to make things like Quorn.
Bacteria Ferement Milk to make... Yoghurt.
1) The equipment is sterilised to kill off any unwanted microorganisms.
2) The milk is pasteurised (heated to 72C for 15 seconds). This is done to kill any harmful microorganisms. The milk is then cooled.
3) A starter culture of bacteria is added, and the mixture is incubated (heated up to 40C) in a vessel called a fermenter.
4) The bacteria ferment the lactose sugar in the milk to form lactic acid. Lactic acid causes the milk to clot, and solidify into yoghurt (a sample is taken to check it is the right consistency).
5) Finally, flavours and colours are added and the yoghurt is packaged.