B573 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityGCSEOCR Created by: hanrobothamCreated on: 17-05-16 21:03 MAJOR DIVISIONS DEFINITIONS ANGLICAN - Member of the Church of England. LUTHERAN - Protestant Church named after Martin Luther. NON-CONFORMISTS - Protestant Churches which became separated from CofE in 17th Cen. METHODIST - Protestant denomiation. Founded by John Wesley. ORTHODOX - Eastern tradition of Christianity. 'Right-judgement' PATRIARCH - Eastern Orthox Bishop. REFOMATION - Seperation of Catholicism from western Christians SCHISM - The split between teh Eastern and Western traditions in Christianity. 1 of 5 ROMAN CATHOLIC AND ORTHODOX RC Global Church, 'Universal' Beliefs that make them different from other Christians; Pope is the headof the Church. All Priests must remain celibate. Women cannot become Priests. Anglo-Catholics (in CofE) share all beliefs but dont accept the primacy of the Bishop Opus Dei - The Work of God believes the Church is it's strongest when it is tightly controlled. Orthodox The Great Schism caused the division. Usually worship in Greek not Latin. Patriarch of Constantinople, not the Pope. Allows icons on altar. Services take much longer. Mostly happens behind iconostasis, creating mystery. 2 of 5 PROTESTANT AND ANGLICAN REFORMATION Protestant Martin Luther wrote a list of theses that he thought were wrong with the Church; Bible should be translated into the vernacular. Magisterium should be based on scripture alone. The way to salvation is by faith alone. William Tyndale, John Calvin. Central feature of the church is the pulpit. Anglican Refomation orgins are found in the Protestand Reformation. Henry VIII formed Church of England so he could be Head of the Church and divorces his wife Anglo-Catholics barely different from Catholics. Anglican Protestants Differences from Catholics; women priests, married priests, no Pope, re-marriage sacrament. 3 of 5 FREE CHURCHES Methodists; Different from Catholics; Smal 'class' study of prayer. Alcohol considered a problem Good days service for a fair wage Non-conformists: Differences from Catholics; Open and free style worship Ministers selected by congregation Sunday Schools Free Churches in local community; Salvation Army, Quakers. 4 of 5 ECUMENISM 5 of 5
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