What was the first triumverate and why was it important to Caesar?
What was Caesar doing in the 50’s BC?
Source Quote
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How Was Rome Governed At The Time of Caesar?
A Series of elected magistrates ran the Roman world
Headed by two consuls who changed annually
Roman elite were highly competitive among themselves
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What Was the First Triumvirate and Why Was it Impo
First Triumvirate: three leading politicians who were politically allied. They helped each other politically to stay in power and grow more powerful.
Three leading politicians: Crassus, Pompey and Caesar
Crassus: Rome's richest man
Pompey: Rome's greatest military general in 60's and 70's BC
Caesar: most junior and least experienced out of the three. He needed Crassus and Pompey for their influence and support.
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What Was Caesar Doing in the 50's BC?
Elected Consul: 59BC
Proconsul: 58BC
Provinces: Borders of North Italy and South-East Europe
When Tribes in Gaul started migrating south towards Italy- Caesar sent to deasl with situation
Lead to conquest of Gaul!
In 56BC, as his term of office was coming to an end, Caesar secured for himself a 5 year extension of power at the conference of Luca, which gave him both the time and platform for further conquest
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Sources Quote
A History of Roman Britain - Peter Salway
"Caeser himself came comparably late to miltary comand, but he had shown natural genius for it"
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