Bamberg Conference 14 February 1926

  • Created by: IHoque
  • Created on: 09-01-18 20:41

why Was The Bamberg Conference Held?

In early 1926, the Nazi Party appeared to Hitler as if it was splitting into two different ideologies. He believed that the party could only go down one road and the conference at Bamberg was called to resolve the issue once and for all. Party ‘Gaufuehrers’ (District Leaders) were called to the meeting. Those district leaders from Northern Germany were at odds with district leaders from the south of Germany as to where the heart of Nazism lay. Those from the north were described as “urban, socialist (with) a revolutionary trend” (Louis Snyder) while those district leaders from the south were described as “rural, racialist (and with) populist ideas.” (Snyder)

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How was The Nazi Party Divided?

​In early 1926, the Nazi Party appeared to Hitler as if it was splitting into two different ​ideologies. He believed that the party could only go down one road and the conference ​at Bambe​rg was called to resolve the issue once and for all. Party ‘Gaufuehrers’ (District ​Leaders) were called to the meeting. Those district leaders from ​Northern Germany were at odds with district leaders from the ​south of Germany as to where the heart of Nazism lay. Those ​from the north were described as “urban, socialist (with) a ​revolutionary trend” while those district leaders from the south ​were described as “rural, racialist (and with) populist ideas.” The ​northern side of the party was represented by Gregor Strasser ​–​ ​considered at the time as a rival to Hitler for the future leadership ​of the party ​–​ while the south was best represented by Gottfried ​Feder. 

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What were the differences between the North and So

One of the key topics that highlighted differences within the party was what should be done to the homes and estates of those from noble “princely” or upper class backgrounds. The more radical northern representatives believed that the estates of upper class Germans should be expropriated or taken over and put to the greater use of the many. Hitler made a two-hour speech in which he stated where he stood: that expropriation of the estates would push the party along the road of communism and that he could not tolerate anything that would help “communist-inspired movements”.

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​What did Hitler say at Bamberg?

Hitler knew exactly what he was doing in his speech. He tainted those who stood behind ​Strasser with the stain of communism ​–​ taking land from those who owned it and ​redistributing it. There was a loathing of communism among the party and Hitler 

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