Battle for the biosphere 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyBattle for the biosphereGCSEEdexcel Created by: Holly45Created on: 10-03-15 17:06 Goods from the biosphere food (it's origin in the natural world) medicines (treatment for malaria and rosy periwinkle which gives us cancer fighting medicines) raw materials (water and timber) 1 of 9 Biomes a biome is a globalscale ecosystem Main biomes include: tropical rainforests found on either side of the equator desert that is found in the tropics temperate deciduous forest found in higher latitudes taiga (coniferous forest) 2 of 9 Influences of climate, altitude and soils The type of biome depends on differences in: temperature and seasonality rainfall amount and seasonality altitude geology and soils the hotter and wetter the climate, the more productive the ecosystem, with more species of both fauna and flora 3 of 9 Services from the biosphere regular climate (temperature and rainfall patterns) water regulation and purification recreation, tourism and education opportunities plants absorb CO2 and product oxygen vegetation regulates temperature 4 of 9 The Amazon Rainforest most forest is cleared for farming logging for tropical hard woods the rainforest 'opened up' from the 1960s by roads large scale hydroelectric power dams such as the Belo Monte have flooded large areas of rainforest deforestation has converted about 6 million hectares of rainforest to Palm oil plantation 5 of 9 Indirect impacts on rainforests Climate change: increased greenhouse emissions increases in particles and pollutants Impacts: changes in weather patterns changes in temperature changes in sea levels more extreme weather events Effects: tropical rainforests die back as climate becomes arid migration of animals species extinction 6 of 9 CITES protects 34000 endangered species of plant and animal banning trade reduce illegal hunting and plant collection 7 of 9 National parks preserve landscapes the Lake District there are 15 in the UK AND 59 in the USA 8 of 9 Being sustainable at a local scale conserving the environment for the future avoiding exploitation provision for local people education of local people some rainforest areas have been given to local people to manage education and training are helping farmers learn to farm sustainably ecotourism is being developed 9 of 9
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