Functionalism (Durkheim): maintain the status quo
- sacred and profane (forbidden and have no special significance). Representing collective conscience (shared norms, values and beliefs) - preventing society from disintegrating
- religion promotes social solidarity. psychological functions - to cope with emotional stress (Malinowski)
- Parsons: - creates/legitimates society's central values, primary source of meaning
- Bellah: - civil religion integrates society in a way that churches and denominations cannot
Marxism (Marx):
- as a feature only of class divided society - no need for religion in classless society. religion and alienation: under capitalism workers have no control over production.
- operates as an ideological weapon used by ruling class - to legitimate suffering of the poor as god given
- patriarchy - religion, worship, sacred texts, laws, etc
- Armstrong - early goddesses. - Woodhead - religious forms of feminism = gain freedom and respect
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