benefits of exercise

  • Created by: Kathryn
  • Created on: 13-12-12 22:39

physical benefits - weight control

helps balance energy equation

  • those with a balanced energy equation take in food with a total calorific value equal or close to that which they use during work
  • those who take in less calories lose weight
  • those who take in more calories gain weight
  • Daily intake for males is 2300kcal and 1600 for women
  • In order to use exercise for weight lose fewer calories need to be consumed as the fat is "burnt" during exercise

controls appetite

  • exercise supresses appetite, reducing the risk of overeating
  • temporarily reuces digestion as blood is pumped away from the igestive system, slowing digestion

reduces exposure to stimuli that motivate eating

  • During eercise people aren't motivated to eat
  • The are also not exposed to television adverts of food, reducing the need to eat
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physical benefits - Combating aging

Body Systems become less efficient whilst ageing

  • Lung capacity decreases
  • heart rate decreases at a beat per year
  • reduced stroke volume
  • muscle tissues weake
  • blood pressure increases
  • joints lose flexibility

Exercise slows the rate at which this happens

  • stretches tendons
  • stimulates bone growth
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Social benefits

Many sports and exercise activities are social, providing a basis for developing friendships

Memberships of sports teams can provide

  • sense of belonging
  • social approval
  • social support
  • positive social identity
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Psychological benefits - controlling stress

Stress can cause

  • increased blood pressure
  • increased heart rate
  • increased breathing
  • reduced digestive activity

These are similar to the effects of exercise. Unlike stress however exercise is folowed by fatigue. This imporves sleeping patterns and redces blood pressure

Exercise stimulates the creation of endorphins and encaphalins which creates a feeling of well being and satisfaction

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Psychological benefits - Raising self esteem

For people with a positive attitude towards exercise it is more likely to make them feel more satisfied

people who are overweight and have a negative body image can use exercise to achieve their ideal body image

self esteem is also improved by sprting achievements

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Psychological benefits - maintaining cognitive ski

There is some evidence to suggest that older people who exercise regularly suffer less brain tissue loss than people of a similar age who don't exercise.

Older people who are fitter tend to do better on cognitice tests

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