Moderate exercise means daily investment of atleast 30 mins on sports or on activities such as brisk walking cycling and gardening.
what are the health benefits of regular moderate activity?
- favourable BMI
- Increases HDL level of blood which transports cholesterol to the liver where its broken down, reduces LDL levels which are associated with development of atherosclerosis.
- improved sensitivity of muscle fibres to to blood insulin levels- improves blood gluecose regulationand reduces the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes
- Maintainance of bone density and reduces its loss during old age.
- prolonged periods of vaso dilation - arteriole dilation lowers blood presssure. This reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
- Risk of contracting certain cancers: with rgular activity there is a significant reduction in contracting colorectal and breast cancer.
- It improves psychological well being and sound mental heallth.- releases endorphins
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