Bismarck's policies

  • Created by: Anna
  • Created on: 12-05-13 10:37

Four main points

  • Background on Bismarck
  • Domestic Policy
  • Fall of Bismarck
  • Foreign Policy
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Background on Bismarck

  • Prussian Prime Minister
  • Foreign Minister
  • Imperial Chancellor
  • Influence over William I gave him a strong position which he exploited
  • Dominated Secretaries of State and made sure they did not confer with the Kaiser without Bismarck's permission
  • Worked closely with the Reichstag
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Domestic Policy

  • worked with National Liberals
  • The Army Budget
  • The Kulturkampf
  • Economic Protectionism
  • 1879 Tariff act
  • Treatment of National minorities
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Fall of Bismarck

  • If Emperor William I died Frederick would ascend throne
  • Frederick I had liberal views
  • Argued with Bismarck over septennates
  • Bismarck and Frederick conflict, disagreed over social policy
  • Quarrelled over right of ministers to advise the monarch
  • Resigned after Wilhelm sent an ultimatum, resign or be dismissed
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Foreign Policy

  • Balkan Crisis
  • Russo - Turkish war
  • Treaty of San Stefano
  • Congress of Belin
  • Dual alliance
  • Three Emperors alliance
  • Bulgarian crisis
  • The Reinsurance treaty
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