Harvey- 'proper' means legal, so D must believe his menaces are a legal way of backing his demand up. Will not be proper if violence/threats of violence are used.
With menaces (actus reus)- Thorne- includes any action that is unpleasant or detrimental to V (not limited to violence).
Clear- gives a test of constitutes a 'menace'. It must be a threat 'of such nature and extent that the mind of an ordinary person of normal stability/courage might be influenced/made apprehensive so as to accede unwillingly to the demand. Objective test.
Garwood- If V was particularly vulnerable and D knew this, this would constitute a menace. (V in this case may not have influenced the mind of an ordinary person of normal stability, but did influence this particular V).
Harry- Prosecution failed for blackmail- no threat had been made.
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