Reproduction can be asexual or sexual
Sexual - meiosis and singamia (fertiliastion)
Asexual - mitosis, no cells nor sexual nuclei. Offspring have same genetic info as parents, apart from mutations. Effective for geographic spread in media adapted for the species. Types unicellular:
- Binary fission - cell divides by mitosis and parent becomes two daughter cells
- Germination - cellular division in yeast. Small bud (yema) where mitosis of nucleus occurs, leaving one daughter nucleus in the orignial cell and the other in the bud - eventually strangled, grows and becomes a new veg cell.
- Pluripartición - mother cell divides nucleus several times - mitosis and several daughter cells
- Propagules - give rise to new plants (talo, brio and cormo)
- Spores - unicellular structures, varied morph. only talofitos. Endo - inside esporangio. Exo
- Fragmentation - eg. strawberries
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