- Created by: Jess.Haff
- Created on: 11-02-17 12:07
Social Opportunities
Shopping- Cabot Circus-
- Attractive shopping environment
- Reduces crime & influences employment
- Promotes tourism & greater spending
Entertainment- Festivals, cafes, bars, restaurants
- Bristol Rovers, Bristol City Football Clubs
- Headquarters of Glousestershire Cricket Club
- Rugby Union Team
Leisure & Recreation
Economic Opportunities
Why has bristol developed a a high-tech industry? Bristol has close links with city council and the two universities, meaning there's an educated and skilled workforce.
Bristol Companies
Aardman Animations- Creators of Wallace and Gromit stop motion
Aerospace Industry- 14/15 main global aircraft companises are located in Bristol eg.Rolls Royce.
Defence Procurement Industry- Employs over 10000 people, supplies the services with supplies.
How is Bristol trying to improve its envirnment?
Transport improvements
- More cycle routes
- Park and ride
- Car free zones - Intergrated transport system
Improved energy efficiancy
- New buildings are energy efficiant
- Eco buildings
- electric vehicles
Development of renewable energy
- Solar Panels
- Using less non-renewable energy
Why regenerate Brownfield sites?
We regenerate Brownfield sites because...
- Usually they're more central to cities
- Reduces urban sprawl
- Improves the urban environment
- Land is often disused or derelict
Brownfield site- A site that has been built on before and is ready for development. Normally associated wither inner city areas.
Traffic Congestion Solutions
- Frequent & Cheap public transport
- Increase price of fuel
- Number plate restrictions
- Pedestriansation
- Park & ride
- Cycling- hire bikes, cycle lanes/routes
- Car parking cost increase
- Congestion charge- pay to go to a certain area
Brownfield Sites
- Reduces urban sprawl
- Redevelopment eases pressure on greenfield sites
- More sustainable, environmentally friendly
- Clearing rubbish from brownfield areas is expensive
- Infrastructure already exists in urban areas
- House prices increase as people are encouraged back to area
Greenfield Sites
- Building on Greenfield sites may reduce traffic and congestion in cities
- New sites are easier to build on as it is fresh land. This is more attractive for retail and housing developers.
- Wildlife may suffer habitat loss eg. trees being cut down
- New drainage, electricity, roads etc. would all have to be produced
Cae Study : Stroke Bishop
Stoke Bishop
- Affluent- Wealthy, have a great deal of money
- 94% of students got the highest grades in 5 or more GCSEs including English & Maths
- Less than 300 crimes per year
- Only 3% of people are unemployed
- Fewer than 4% of children live in poverty
- Nearly 50% of population has a degree or equivilant
Case Study : Filwood
- Socially deprived in Bristol
- 36% of students got top grades at GCSE including English and Maths
- Over 1300 crimes per year
- Top 10% of most socially deprived areas in England
- Lower than average life expectancy
- Poor access to shops selling healthy foods- death rates higher than average
Case Study : The Temple Quarter
- In 1700s was a developed industrial area
- Was often flooded dueto River Avon being so close
- In the 20th century terraced housing was removed
- The Temple Meads Railway Station was built
- Businesses were removed
- Was disconnected due to duel carriage way being built
- Very run down
- Gave bad impressions to visitors
Case Study : The Temple Quarter
- Target: 4000 new jobs
- 240,000m of either new or refirbished buildings, creating offices, homes, shops and redeveloped railway station
- New technical and digital enterprises
- Temple Meads Station has had a major redevelopment to turn the station into a modern transport hub for the city
- Regeneration of most sustainable offices in the UK
Case Study : The Temple Quarter
- Developing further and continuing referbishments into 2050
- Gaining profit
- Brought jobs, leading to wealth
- Sustainable
- The Temple Quarter hasn't helped social inequality.
- It isn't a target or meet the needs for the unemployed
Case Study : The Temple Quarter
- Central Bristol
- North of the River Avon
- Edge of CBD- Central Business District
- Surrounds Temple Meads Station
Case Study : Freiburg - The Sustainable City
- South West Germany
- Border of France
- Directly West of Munich
- Recycling water to conserve supply
- Providing Green Spaces
- Using Brownfield sites
- Reducing reliance on fossil fuels
- Providing a range of emplyment
Case Study : Freiburg - The Sustainable City
Social planning
- Locals can invest in renewable energy resources; wind turbines, solar power, hydroelectric plants and energy conservation
- Financial rewards are given to those who compost their green waste
Economic planning
- Providing employment
- Jobs have been created due to Manufacturing of solar energy
- More than 10,000 people are in 1500 environmental businesses
- 1000 people are employed in solar technology
Case Study : Freiburg - The Sustainable City
Environmental planning
Resourses are not wasted and the environment is protected for future generations.
- More than 88% of packing waste is recycled
- Provides energy by burning waste to 28000 homes
- 350 community collection points for recycling
- Biogas digester has been put in place for organic food and garden waste
Transport Solutions Examples
1) Freiburg- Germany
- Low public transport fares
- Intergrated traffic plan
- Higher parking prices
2) Beijing- China
- Number plate restrictions
- Limited car sale- only 20% of people who apply
- Increased parking prices
- New metro lines
- Developing a rapid bus transit by 2050
Exam Question (9 marks + 3 SPGST)
Explain how traffic congestion is being reduced in urban areas.
Use an Example you've studied and Figure 4.