They are areas of relatively high pressure and move slowly/ may remain stationary over an area for days, weeks. Air falls, warming as it falls producing a decrease in relative humidity which leads to lack of cloud cover and dry conditions. Isobars far apart (little pressure different from centre to edge). Winds are weak and flow gently outwards in a clockwise direction in the N hemisphere and anticlockwise in the S hemisphere.
Low temperatures because the sun is at a low angle and extremely cold at night due to the clear skies allowing loss of heat through radiation. High levels of atmospheric pollution due to no wind and trapped by temperature inversion
Hot day and night, clear skies, hazy, early morning mists, heavy dew on the ground in the morning, thunderstormer many occur when the air had high relative humidity. Described as blocking anticlyclones due to them staying stationary over one area for a very long time.
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