Created two parts of Bengal one was now Muslim dominated, the angered Congress
Congress was based in Calcutta, Bengal to put pressure on the British
Gokhale described the partition as "concoted in the dark and carried out in the fiercest opposition"
Conservative Government
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1909 Government of India Act
Liberal Government
4000 could now vote, numbers of elected members on councils rose, separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims, 60 Indians would serve on the viceroys council but they were only advisory
Viceroy still had ultimate power
Only 24 resolutions made in the legislature were passed
Isolated the radicals from the moderates
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The Rowlatt Acts
Isolated Bombay, Bengal and Punjab as centres of revolutionary activity and recommended old wartime controls there
The powers were found to be unneccessary but the damage had been done
Made the promises made by the Montagu-Chelmsford Report seem meaningless
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1919 Government of India Act
Post-WWI Conservative gov.
Establishes Dyarchy
The Viceroy still has ultimate power
Promises a review in 10 years
Further embeds the principle of electorates
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1927 The Simon Commission
Conservative government
The review of the 1919 Gov of India Act
No Indians on the council
Outraged the nationalists - boycotted by Congress and the League
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1930-32 Round Table Conferences
Representatives from all aspects of Indian life travelled to London to participate
Congress didnt send any representatives for the 1st RTC and the British realised that they would need the cooperation of Congress to get anywhere
2nd RTC failed because Gandhi was mandated by Congress and he offended the minorities by claiming he represented them
Short-lived Labour government
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1935 Government of India Act
Abolishes Dyarchy, establishes India in 11 provinces each with its own government in charge of everything but foreign affairs and defence
Viceroy still has ultimate control
"too little too late"
Coalition government
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1942 Cripps Mission March
Stafford Cripps was appointed by Churchill to lead a delegation too India
He offered India full dominion status after the war, the Indian people would elect an assembly to design a new constitution, and if any province or princely state wanted to leave the new India it was free
Congress didnt accept this and Gandhi told Cripps to go home
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1945 The Simla Conference
Offered the same as Cripps except the executive council would be exclusively Indian
Main reason it fails:they couldnt decide which Muslims should be put on the executive council
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