British Politics 1918 - 1964
An overview of British politics from 1918 - 1964
AQA History A2 (Unit 3J)
- Created by: elliee
- Created on: 04-06-12 10:22
David Lloyd George Government
1918 - COALITION (some liberals and Conservatives)
Liberals split
1. Asquith = Laissez Fair
2. Lloyd George = Wealfair Reforms
Policies of DLG Government
1918 - Education Act (School Age Raised)
1918 - Free Trade
1919 - Housing Act (continued in 1923 and 1924)
1921 - Irish Settlement
1922 - Geddis Axe
1920/21 - National Insurance, war widows pensions and OAPs raised
Fall of DLG
Fall of David Lloyd George
-Instability of the Coalition, No common goal, incapable of effective action
-Honours Scandal 1922 (selling honours)
-Chanak Affair 1922 ('We are not the words police man' Bonar Law)
-Resignation of Bonar Law, lost support of back benchers, Calton Club
- Torys wanted to dump DLG
Decline of the Liberals
Did the Liberals Fall because of DLG?
Yes - Fell because of DLG...
-Against Free Trade
-Not home rule in Irlend
-Torys wanted to 'dump' him
-Unpopular because of the Geddis Axe
-Honours Scandle
Decline of the Liberals
No - There were extenal Factors
-Liberals were split, weak and united
-Lost support of Bonar Law and the Tory backbenchers
-Representation of the Peoples Act (women tend to vote Tory, working class vote Labour)
-Electoral System, 2 party politics, first past the post
-Irish Question
-Economy, high unemployment, trade union unrest
Conservatives 1918 - 1924
-Torys used him to gain power ('man who won the war', was an effective spokesman, had influence in politices)
-DLG fell, Torys dropped him, Carlton Club
1922 election
Bonar Law won - however he became ill so Baldwin took over (1923)
-Good public speaker
-Had an appealing nature
-Used media to contect with the electorate
-Believed he didn't had support to be PM so held election in 1924
First Labour Government
Ramsay MacDonad - PM 1924
-In office, didn't have a majority - MacDonald played to this, resisted demands from the left and gained experience for the Labour party
-Seen as incompetent and insensitive
Work of the Government
-Social reforms - OAP was raised, unemployment benefit raised, state scholarships introduced
-Housing acts - houses to rent not bought
-Poor industrial relations
-Foreign policy, French leave the Ruhr, New German Currency
Fall of the Labour Party
-Campbell Affair, Labour interfering with justice
-Daily Mail Letter, Letter from the Zinoviev (Bolshevik) to G.B Communists urging a revolute
-Labour seen as corrupt, associated with Communism
-Labour Votes moved, Red Scare, Torys won the election
Conservative Party 1924 - 1929
Baldwin PM
-Majority of 200 seets
-Churchill = Chancellor
-Austin Chaimberlain = Foreign Secretary
-Aim "Binding together of all classes of our people" (impressed left wing MPs)
-Good industrial relationships
-Peace and compromise
-Bad economic decisions
-General Strike
General Strike 1925
4 causes
-Trade Union militancy - triple alliance (miners, railwaymen and transport workers)
-Economic depression - Gold standard, unemployment, fall in exports
-Fear of Communism - Russian Letter to the Daily Mail
-Coal Industry - Wages cut and hours increased, only disputes, increased comepition from Europe
Baldwin and the General Strike
-Baldwin paid a subsady to compensate the wage fall - red friday 1925
-"got rid of Churchill', (stopped him from wanting to kill the strikers so gave him a desk job)
-Army called in to help do the jobs that we on strike
-Communists arrested
-Sympathy Strikers leave and Trade Unions call of strike
-Miners are forced to return to work
Outcome -
-Better relations with Trade Unions
-Miners lost and pay is still reduced to more working hours
-Trade Act 1927 - Sympay striking is band
Baldwin and Government reforms
1925 - return to the Gold standard
1926 - BBC created
1926 -Central electrity board
1927 - Trade Dispuits Act
1928 - Represenation of the Peoples Act II (women can vote on the same terms as men)
1929 - Local government act (more responsibility for roads, health, child wealfair)
Benefits and Pensions are aslo reformed
The Second Labour Government 1929
Mac Donald - PM
(Churchill wildness years)
-Had a minority again
-First women minister (Margaret Bonfield)
Economic Problems - from the return to the Gold Standard
-Exports were uncompetative due to a high exchange value
-High interest rates
-High unemployment
-Wall Street Crash 1929
-Export values fall by half after Wall Street Crash
Unemployment and Labour
Mosley suggested a solution for the high unemployment
Monsely Memorandams (ideas from Keynes)
-Rationalisation and efficency
-Increased Pensions
-Premote expansion
-encourage early retierment
-more credict used to provide public works
Was rejected by the Cabinate
Fall of Labour 1931
1931 - Debate on government cuts on expenditure
This was not popular with Labour MPs
Labour was meant to protect those with small incomes
Labour Party spilt over cuts
leads to the National Government
National Government
Forgein Policy
Indian Policy
- Governmen of India Act 1935
- Self Govt. but G.B control
Rearmament 1935
Hitler and Germany
- Appeasment
-Passive = Baldwin
-Active = Chaimberlin
National Government
Low interest rates
- Lowered from 6% to 2% = cheep money
- Encourage business expansion
1930s poverty
-unemployment (wasn't directly tackled)
Growth in consumer goods
-Large numbers of cars, holidays, retail goods
-Duties on foreign imported goods
Abdication Crisis
-Edward wanted to marry Wallis Simpson (She was divored twice)
-Opposition to his preposal of marriage
3 options for Edward
1. Edwards and Mrs. Simpson marry and she becomes the queen (a royal marriage)
2. Edward and Mrs. Simpson marry but she doesn’t become queen and instead she receives a courtesy title (a monogenetic marriage)
3. Edward abdicates and any heirs he might father also lose the inherence of the throne. Edward can make any martial decisions without further constitutional implications.
Conclusion of the Abdication Crisis
Baldwin gathered Attlee, Churchill and Sinclair (agreed on option 3)
Churchill disagreed and didn't support the government
Rumours that all in support of the king were going to support the King and create a "kings party" lead by Churchill
This Rumour wasn't proven
However damanged the King and Churchills appearance
King abdicated 5th Decemeber
Shape of G.Bs politics pre WWII
1918 - 1922 = David Lloyd George Coalition
1922 - 1924 = Conservative Govt. Bonar Law (1922-23) Baldwin (1923-24)
1924 = Labour Govt. MacDonald
1924 - 1929 = Conservative Govt. Baldwin
1929 - 1931 = Labour Govt. MacDonald
1931 - 1935 = National Govt. MacDonald (1931-35) Baldwin (1935)
1935 - 1939 = National Govt. Baldwin (1935-1937) Chainberlin (1937-41)
Pre War economy
- 1 million unemployed, 10% of insured workforce
- 1925 return to the Gold Standard (Churchill)
- 1926 General Srike
- 1929 Wall Street Crash
- Great Depression
- Mass unemployment (3 million in 1932)
- Growth of comsumer goods
War Time Politics
Fall of Chainmberlain
- Not a war time PM
- High Unemployment
- Appeasment had failed
- Attlee wouldn't support Chaimberlian in a coalition
- Lost support of the backbenchers
Churchill becomes PM 1941
Coalition Government 1941 - 1945
- Rationing
- Evacuees
- Better working conditions (reconstruction and reform)
- Health improves (free school meals and war time diet)
- Development of the Beverage Report (costs worry Torys)
- Health and Education white papers
1945 election -
- Labour won (Attlee)
- Coalition ends
- Churchill not a peace time leader
Why didn't the Tory's win in 1945?
Response to the Beverage Report
- Torys Spilt over wealfair reforms as there was a fear of high taxes
- Not trusted by the electorate for social change
Blamed for Appeasement
Churchill had no message
- Only warned about collectivisim
- Lack of funds to campaign
- Not a party man, good as a war leader, not strong in peace times
Lack of policy making
- Reconstruction wasn't addressed
- Lack of policey making on home affairs
Labour and Wealfare State
Suggested that ... Government had responsibility for the citizens and their well being in 4 fields
1. Social security
-National Insurance Act 1946, Benefits, OAP, unemployment and sickness cover
2. Health
-G.Ps, N.H.S, free for all at the point of delivery
-Universal Free health care
-Council house, suberbs created
-Leaving age raised, comprehensive system intoduced
Nationalisation Labour Govt.
Public ownership of Private enterprise (little Tory opposition)
1946 -
Bank of England
Civil Anviation
1947 -
1948 -
Gass and Electricty
Finances after the war
Loans from the USA
$3,750 million over 50 years at 2% interest
Sterling more freely convertable to the dollar
Help the working class
- Taxes on income fell
- Upper Class taxes increased
1946 - production was back to pre war levels, exports doubled, more employment, low interest rates = ECONOMIC BOOM
1947 Year of Crisis
Bad winter...
Decline in Coal and electricty - Fuel crisis - low production - unemployment
Loss of exports - Dollar Drain - convertability o fthe sterling
Economic - govt. cuts on imports, expenditure and raitions introduced, high unemployment
Poltical - govt. reshuffle, anti - Attlee plot failed
Labour popularity failed
Attlee Govt. Success or Failure ?
Success -
- Housing improvements = Toilets, electricty, prefab houses, bigger, council houses, suberbs
- NHS = healthcare for all, public hospitles and GPs,
- Rationing = healthy population
- Education = Leaving age raised, more teachers, comprehensive schools
- Benefits = lower taxes for working class, wealfair state, OAPs,
Attlee Govt. Success or Failure ?
- Harsh Winter = rations (lost middleclass support), electrical, coal and gass supplies low, effects public moral, devaled pound
-Foreign Policy = Didn't join the European stee alliance, Korean War, Atomic Bomb
-Economic managment = Loans from the USA, Nationalisation = poor planning, rise in imports, fall in exports, balance of payments problem
1951 election
Conservatives Won
- 1947 industrial charter (Butler), showed Torys comitted to wealfair state
- Liberals fall votes move to Conservatives
- Reorgainsation and modernised as a party
- More members (young conservatives)
- Labour had a harsh winter - effected their votes
- First past the post
- Labour spilt over percription charges
Britain and foreign policy
Cold War - Fear of communism, GB and the USA, Starlings growing power in the east
Collinies - 1947 Indian Independence, Attlee supported, Churchill against
Suez - Eden, G.B and France went to war with Eygpt, Eden lost public support, USA forced G.B out of war, G.B start to loose place in the world
NATO - Northan Atlantic Treaty Organisation, defence policey
Coal and Steel Community - Attlee unsure if GB should join (didn't join), thought it would effect nationalisation
USA - Payments from WWII wanted back, G.B cut off from atomic bomb research
GB unsure which way to turn:
USA Collines Europe
Tory policies
Churchill 1951 - 1955 Eden 1955 - 1957
Economic - Full employment, end of rations, low taxes, 'stop go', mixed economy
Consensous - Continuation of Labour's policies, wealfair state and nationalisation
Soical - Wealfare State, housing boom, increased consumer goods, rise in living standards
Trade Unions - Conciliation and Arbitration
Cold War - Fear of communison, growth in Russia
Suez Crisis - Eden, invades Egypt, loose support of USA, Eden resigns
MacMillian PM in 1957
Post war continuity or change?
Continuity ...
- Continued decline of the liberals
- Conservative domanance
- Media continyes to grow
- Deskilling in industres
- Womens pay and hours stay the same
- Class conflict
Post war continuity or change?
- Direct tax
- Global position
- Immigration
- Decline in traditional industries
- Universal welfair provisions
- Home improvements and Living conditions
- Stop Go cycle
- End of rations
- Women in work
- Rise in wages
British Politics 1939 - 1964 summary
1939 - 1941 = Chamberlian
1941 - 1945 = Coaltion govt. Churchill
1945 - 1951 = Labour, Attlee
1951 - 1955 = Conservatives, Churchill
1955 - 1957 = Conservatives, Eden
1957 - 1963 = Conservatives, MacMillian
1963 - 1964 = Conservatives, Douglas - Home