By keeping to this path a person can achieve a state of bliss, happiness and peace that is free from suffering or Dukkha. This state of bliss is called Nibbana.
1. Right Understanding- seeing the world as it is and understanding that there is a path to freedom
2. Right Attitude- your attitude to life effects what you get out of it. developing right attitudes and thoughts is important
3. Right Speech- words are powerful so take care with what you say. what you say should be helpful and encourage goodness
4. Right Action- you should behave in kind and compassionate ways.
5. Right Livelihood- you should have a job that does not destroy life or cause harm to others
6. Right Effort- be mindful of what you think, say and do. Seek good thoughts and not bad
7. Right Awareness- be alert to life, aware of what you do and its results and reasons for it
8. Right Concentration- letting go of all desires and cravings
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