Debt factoring is when a factoring company comes in and buys your outstanding invoices and advances you a percentage of the total amount, the factoring business then makes profit from the customer
- Internal, short term source of finance
- Improves cash flow - it means you don't have to wait for the customer to pay
- Fast access to capital - this money provided by the factoring company means you get your money quickly
- Saves time and resources - because you don't have to wait for collecting the customer payment, then this time that has been saved can be reinvested into the business
- Can Be expensive - as you are not receiving the same amount of money from the factoring business than what you would if it was from the customer
- Loss of control over payment collection - business might lose their connection with the costumer
Debt factoring is provided by a factoring business
Debt factoring is suitable for all types of businesses
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