Business Models/Theories
- Created by: osa_piggottr
- Created on: 11-06-17 13:38
The Boston Matrix
The Blake Mouton Grid
The Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum
Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs
Porter's Generic Strategy
Bowman's Strategic Clock
Bartlett and Ghoshal International Strategy
Carrol's Pyramid of CSR
McGregor's X and Y Theory
Lewin's Force Field Analysis
Kotter and Schlesinger’s Four Reasons for Resistan
Kotter and Schelinger’s Model of Overcoming Resist
Handy's Culture (1/3)
Handy's Culture (2/3)
Key Term
Power Culture
Intense power is focused onto small groups or a main figure/individual, who in turn sets out the main culture
Steve Jobs
Richard Branson
Task Culture
Power is obtained from the expertise required to perform a task. Usually associated with a small group approach or small organisations. There is an importance on results and getting things done
Law and consulting firms
Handy's Culture (3/3)
Role Culture
Power is set out in a hierarchy. An individual’s power is obtained from their specific role in a structured organisation. Detailed rules set how people/branches interact with each other, customers and suppliers
Insurance companies
Government departments
Local authorities
Public utilities
Person Culture
Where the organisation exists as a method for people to improve their own careers and expertise. The individual is the focus, and if a structure is in place, it serves the needs of the individuals within it
Barristers chambers
Architects partnerships
Small consultancy firms
Hofstede: What Distinguishes Different National Cu
Mechanist vs Organic Models
The Cultural Web – Organisational Assumptions (par
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