Business and Economics 3
Unit 3 of Edxcels business and economics Alevel.
Unit 3 A2 set of notes
- Created by: elliee
- Created on: 05-06-12 10:32
"Becoing global, worldwide business, other countries rely on you for trade"
The increased freedom and capacity of individuals and firms to:
- undertake economies transactions with other countries
- Operate on a global scale
Examples :
Firms moving to a lower cost location = BT call centres
People moving to a higher wage location = immigrents to the UK
Goods moving more freely = Eurozone
Information moving more freely around the world = Metal Exchange
Effects and Benefits of Globalisation
- Less competition
- Loss of culture in countries
- Jobs / busiesses move around the world
- Consumers are better informed
- Developing countires have more disposible income
- Global competition encourages innovation and development
- Governments work together
- Greater access to foreign cultures
- Developing countries benefit from experienced businesses
Costs of Globalisation
- Outsourcing while it provides jobs in one country, jobs are lost in another
- Countries loose cultures and they all become simular
- Diseases spred world wide
- Footloose effect
"Taking things outside the business"
When a business moves part of the company to another company
Apple moved all of their manufacturing to Samsung
- Cheeper
- Businesses can focus on what they are better at
- No need for massive investment and infastructure
- Loss of control over quailty
- Loss of economies of scale
- Hand away techincal information and personal developments
Moving into a new market
4 factors to consider when investing in a new market and country
1. Product
Do i change to product to fit with the new culture and target audiance?
2. Price
Is the orginal price a fair price to charge in this market / country?
3. Distrabution
What is the best way to sell the product in this market, online or in stores?
4. Premotion
How should we advertise the product / service? Do we keep it the same?
"Keeping everything the same"
- Economies of scale
- Easier marketing
- Easier to control of HQ
- "global brand" is created
- Dont adapt to the culture
- Loose customers
- Dont recognise differences in markets
"Adapting to the new market"
- Greater customer satifaction
- Increase in sales
- Increase in brand loyalty
- Sucess as new market had been recognised
- Dont benefit from economies of scale
- Loose global brand
- High costs in changing advertising, image etc
Global Niche Market
"Smaller more specialised part of the market, where consumers in one country have a particular need(s) that are not met fully by the global market"
- Product or service is likely to be different to the mass market
- Product orientated, not focused on market share
Characteristics of a global niche businesses
- Clear understanding of the customers needs
- High levels of customer service
- Expertise in the field
- Innovation to satisfy the customer
- Able to recognise a change in the market
Multi - National Corporation (MNC)
"A business that operates in more than one country"
Toyota Shell Apple HSBC IMB BP Ford Dell
Why expand?
- Reduces costs - economies of scale, cheaper labour, reduced transport costs
- Different regulations - taxes lower
- Improvement in communications
- Gaining access to new markets which adds growth - BRIC economies, ASIEN
- Reduces risk by spreading operations geographically and politically
Why relocate?
Why businesses chose to invest in other countries ...
Avoide Tariffs
- Move goods freely around - low transport costs
- No import costs
Cheeper labour
- More profits
- Cheeper prices
Close to raw materials
- Dont have to pay to ship materials
- Cheeper, lower costs for the business
Foreign Direct Investment
- FDI leads to the multiplier effect
- Tax revenue for the new country
- Education, training and skills
- Consumers have more choice
- CSR, ethical approach
- Help to rebalance trade
Foreign Direct Investment
- Money isnt spent its saved (no multiplier)
- Only unskilled manual tasts are used on local people
- transfer pricing
- expoliting cheep labour (wages dont rise)
- local businesses can't compete so job loss
- Standardisation (culture lost)
- Environmental impact
- Gives multinationals more market share
- Footloose effect (when conditions change MNC leave and move else where)
"sombody who is some way is effected by the a businesses actions"
What are the aims of those effected by a business:
Employees - better working conditions, efficent practices, job security
Suppliers - increased production, ethical sourcing, prices of products falling
Consumers - falling prices, ethical sourcing, increased choice
Local communities - helping local projects, reduction in waste
Shareholders - high profits, increased productivity, costs cut
Government - Better working conditions, high profits, fair treatement of workers
Absolute Advantage
"An absolute advantage exists if the real resource costs of production is lower in one country that in the other"
- Coffee is cheaper to make in Brazil that in the UK, Brazil have an absoulte advantage
- Gold is found in the UK and South Africa however there is easier access to Gold in South Africa so they have an absolute advantage
Which ever country is the best should make that product
Comparative Advantage
David Racardo - "Comparative advantage states that if two countries each specialise in the product with the lowest opportunity cost and then trade real incomes will increase for both countries"
USA is best at making cars and rubber
Malaysia is worse at both cars and rubber
However Malaysia is less bad at making rubber so they make ruber and the USA make cars
Specialise in what you are least bad at
More production = more earnings = everybody benefits
China and India
Why are goods made in China and India?
- Good supply chain
- Lower labour costs = more profits
- lots of raw materials = good access, cheeper
- Larga market to sell too = trade blocs (ASEIN), large population
- Experience in maunfacturing
Corporate Social Responsibility
"Self regualting to meet ethical standards"
- Helps to project a good sales image (increased sales)
- Increased motivation - more productivity
- Respected businesses, good reputation
- Differenciate yourself from other homogenouse products
- Enviromental approach can reduce costs
- Increased Costs
- Set yourself standards which you have to meet
- Milton Friment businesses should only focus on profits
- Loss of investment because of high costs
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