Business Unit 4 notes Economics and Business Unit 4 The wider economic environment and business Edexcel A2 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Economics & Business StudiesThe company, revenue and costsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ellieeCreated on: 17-06-12 11:06 Can the government control the economy? Good for the economy - - Increased incomes - High employment - Increased production - Government recieving more tax Bad for the economy - - High unemployment - Low pay rises and pay cuts - Businesses selling less and cut down on production - Low taxes for the government 1 of 7 Macro Economics objectives The governments objects for the economy - Stable and low rate of inflation - Balance of payments equilibrium - Low unemployment - Econmic growth 2 of 7 The multiplier effect Explains how an increase in spending has a greater effect on the economy... - More people employed - More people have income to spend - Demand for goods increases - High demand will increase production - More production means more people employed 3 of 7 Government injections Government spending = - Higher sales of goods - Increaed spending - Firms achieve higher profits - Increased employment 4 of 7 Adams Smiths "canons of taxation" - Equality Prepotionate to income - Certainity Tax should be clear to understand - Convenience of payment Taxes should be collected in a manor convenient for the tax payer - Eonomy of Collection Taxes shouldn't be expensive to collect and should not discourage businesses 5 of 7 Supply Side Policies "Economic Growth is best achieved by lowering barriers for people to produce goods and services" 1. Lower income tax - less tax - more production 2. Lower capital gains tax - incentive to expand as a business 3. Reduce regulations and Red tape - time and money is taken away from production 4. Training and education - More skilled people 5. Flexible workforce - 9 day fortnight 6. Mobility - helping the workforce move around to jobs and businesses 6 of 7 Evaluating Supply Side performance Strengths - Sustained growth - Large fall in unemployment - Low inflation and improvements in macroeconomics - UK has a felxiable labour market Weaknesses - An investment gap in public sector services - Manufacturing industries suffer - Other countries have faster growth rates - Rise in the blance of payments deficit suggests continual problems 7 of 7
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