Objectives - Engagment, Talent Development, Training, Diversity, Alignment of Values, Number Skill and Location of Employees, PESTLE,
Analysis - Labour turnover and Retention Rates, Labour productivity, Employee costs as a % of turnover, Labour cost per unit
Organisational Design and Flow - Job design, Enrichment, Rotation, Englargement, Empowerment, Hackman and Oldman Model, Organisational design, Structure, Hierarchy, Chain of Command, Span of Control, Authority, Flat or Tall Hierarchy, Decentralisation, Centralisation, Delegation, Redundancy, Redeployment, Termination, Natural Wastage, Dismissal, Job Description, Job specification, Recruitment and Selection, Training, Performance Appraisal
Motivation and Engagement - Improves absenteeism, retention, innovation, profitability and productivity. Taylor, Scientific Management, Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Mayo, Herzberg Two factor theory, Motivators and Hygiene factors, Performance related pay, Piece rate pay, Comission, Profit related pay, share ownership, Responsibility, Meaningful work, Involvement
Employer-Employee Relations - Trade Unions, Legislation, Work Councils, Advisory Conciloatopm and Arbitration Services
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