The extend to which production or operations depends on investment in and use of capital e.g. machinery, it, systems, buildings etc.
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Critical path analysis
Project managment tool that uses network analysis to help manage complex and time sensitive operations.
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Diseconomies of scale
Factors which result in higher unit costs as production output reaches too high a level.
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Economies of scale
Cost advantages that a business can exploit as a result of expanding its scale of production. Economies of scale reduce the average unit cost of production
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A measure of the ability of a business to achieve the required level of production whilst minimising the use of resources.
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Industrual inertia
Where a business decides to stay in its existing location despite potentially better locations being available to it.
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Putting a new idea or approach into action - the commercial exploitation of ideas.
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Just in time
Method of lean production, where production resources arrive at the moment they are required rather than being held in stock.
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A cultural approach to lean production and quality assurance - involves encouraging employees to constantly seek and impliment small incremental changes to production in order to improve quality and efficiency.
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Labour intensity
The extent to wwhich production or operations depend on investment in and use of labour e.g. peoople, training
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Labour productivity
The level of output per unit of labour
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Lead time
The period of time between an order being placed and being recieved
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Lean production
An approach to managment that focuses on cutting out waste while ensuring quality still
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Marketing economies
Where marketing costs per unit sold can be lowered by spreading marketing costs over larger output.
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Minimum efficient scale
The minimum output a business needs to achieve in order for it to be able to minimise unit costs
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A business which owns operations in more than one country
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Network analysis
Breaking a project down into seperate activities and their requirments
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Where a business has work, done for it overseas
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Where a business has work done for it by someone else
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Measures of how effective a business is in turning resources (e.g. labour hours) into output.
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Purchasing economies
Cost savings that arise from buying in bulk or from a more powerful relationship with a supplier due to increased output.
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A restriction on the volume or quantity of a good that can enter or be sold in a market (form of trade barrier)
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The size or output of a business, best measured relative to that of direct competiors
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Part of outsourcing - where another business is used to provide part of the production process
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A tax levied on imports to increase their price compared with domestic goods (form of trade barrier)
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Technical economies
Reductions in unit costs arising from the effective use of technology.
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Unit costs
The key measure of productive efficiency - calculated as total costs by total output (over a specific period)
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