C1900-Now: Modern Britain
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- Created by: Yazxo
- Created on: 03-06-18 20:10
- 19thC, Mendel showed human characterisitics can be passed between generations.
- 20thC, microscopes, X-rays let human cells to be analysed greater detail, they found every cell in the body contains DNA.
- Watson & Crick worked on how the genetic codes of DNA fitted together.
- Wilkins & Fraklin found the double helix structure from analysing X-rays.
- 1990, Watson led the Human Genome Project mapping every gene in human DNA.
Human Genome Project:
- A better understanding of some genetic conditions such as Down's syndrome.
- Predicting whether individuals are at higher risks of developing certain cancers.
- The discovery that stem cells can be grown into different cells.
However there is not yet:
- A cure or effective treatment for most genetic conditions.
- A way of preventing most genetic diseases.
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- Smoking:
- Research now links smoking with many diseases:
- Emphysema
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Many cancers
- Research now links smoking with many diseases:
- Drinking:
- Research links drinking too much alcohol to:
- Many cancers
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Research links drinking too much alcohol to:
- Diet:
- Scientific research confirmed that eating a balance of different foods and limited sugar/fat reduces the chances of:
- Heart disease
- Certain cancers
- Scientific research confirmed that eating a balance of different foods and limited sugar/fat reduces the chances of:
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Improvements in Diagnosis
- Doctors use their own knowledge combined with medical testing. They use:
- Laboratories to test skin or blood
- X-rays, scans and endoscopes to 'see' inside the body clearly
- Monitors to see what is going on over a period of time
- Improved scientific understanding and technology has made diagnosing disease accurately
- Medical Tech Advances:
- Microscopes
- Incubators
- X-rays
- Prosthetic limbs
- MRI, CT, Ultrasound scans
- Endoscopes
- Pacemakers
- Dialysis machines
- Insulin pumps
- Blood presures/blood sugar monitors
- Hypodermic needles
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Change in Treatment
- Magic Bullet:
- Kock discovered that different chemical dyes stained specific microbes.
- Behring discovered the body manufactures antitoxins that attack the microbe causing a disease.
- Ehrlich searched for a 'magic bullet'- a chemical compound that would attack and kill the microbe caausing a specific disease.
- Helped by German Government funding working many years to find a cure to syphilis.
- 1909, Dr Hatadiscovered that they rejected a compound that worked-606th.
- 1932, Domagk developed a second magic pill which cured blood poisoning.
- Other scientists, from Domagk's work, found a cure for pneumonia, scarlet fever & menigitis.
- Key hole & Microsurgery:
- Surgeons use small incisions to access the body, which reduces patients's recovery time.
- It also makes it possible to reattach nerves and blood vessels.
- Robotic Surgery:
- Surgery can now be done remotely, with surgeons controlling robots through computers.
- This made surgery more precise.
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Change in Treatment
- The first discovered was penicilin.
- Scientists, inspired by the discovery of penicilin, experimented with mould and found more antibiotics.
High-Tech Medical & Surgical Treatment:
- Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy
- Kidney dialysis
- Fitting Pacemaker
- Organ Transplants
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Preventing Disease
- 1948, taxes funded wide range of healthcare such as:
- Seeing a GP
- Hospital care & operations
- Health visitors for pregnant women and young children
- Ambulances & emergancy treatment
- Health care for the elderly
- Prevention Methods:
- Funding more testing and vaccinations
- Better disposal of rubbish and sewage
- Laws reducing air and water pollution
- Laws banning ads of cigarettes and smoking in public
- Enviromental health officers insoecting food outlets
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1928, Fleming noticed that bacteria in a Petri dish was being killed by a penicilium mould.
He tested it on other bacteria- the mould produced an excellent antibiotic.
1929, Fleming published his findings but had no funding to continue his research.
Years later, Florey and his team continued Fleming's work on Penicillin.
It was effective on mice and worked on humns- it was a miracle drug.
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Lung Cancer
- Huge rise in Lung Cancer cases
- Second most common cancer in UK
- Has a poor survival rate
- Mainly caused by smoking & passive smoking
- Diagnosis:
- If lung cancer is suspected, most patients are given a CT scan
- If it shows a mass, a sample of cells are collected and tested
- Treatment:
- Surgery to remove the tumour
- Carry out a lung transplant
- Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy to try to shrink the tumour
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Preventing Lung Cancer
UK government has tried various methods to reduce the number of people smoking, and reduce the number of them developing lung cancer:
- 1965, TV ads for cigerattes were banned
- 1991, TV ads for cigars and tobacco were banned
- Tax on tobacco is regularly increased to make smoking more expensive so people stop.
- 2007, smoking in UK was banned in public places where people worked
- 2015, smoking in UK was banned in cars carrying under-18's
- 2007, legal age to buy tobacco products went from 16 to 18
- Various campaigns have been funded to educate people and encourage them to stop smoking.
- Shops are not allowed to publically display tobacco products.
- 2015, Cigarette packaging became standardised, all cigarettes are sold in green packaging with graphic warnings- whatever the brand.
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