Case studies
- Created by: IzzyIPS
- Created on: 29-04-18 14:15
Comparative Sectoral Shifts
Primary - 75% employment + 44% GDP 3% -> 0%
Secondary - Lacks resources and capital for industrilisation 40% -> 24% + 18% workforce
Tertiary - Small sector but 40 % of GDP 75% Wealth (10 - 20 % from Quaternary)
80 % of employment
Rising Demand for Water
Causes for rise in Demand
- Population increase (x6)
- Irrigation of crops (Increase by 14%)
- Energy (increase of 43%)
- Domenstic appliances (Increase 20%)
- Industrilisation
SURPLUS - Wales, Lake Vyrnwy
- 1000mm of rain
DEFICIT - London
- 650mm of rain
- 85% of water from aquefers
- Thames water- 1bn replacing 1,600 miles of pipe -> reducing leaks by a 1/3
- Increasing efficiency
Unmanaged Shanty Town
Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya
- 95% live in poverty
- 3000 people/ha
- 20% hooked up to illegal electricity
- 80% unemployed
- No basic services
Managed Shanty Town
Heliopolis, Sao Paulo
Community action in Jaguare: Sports
Social inclusion in Santo Andre: Community health and literacy
Legal Help: Ownership of land to improve conditions
Site and Service: GO and NGO give ownership and access to water and electricity
Sanitation: PROSENAR
Self Help: Building Materials
Micro lending: Small interest loans for business
Changes in an urban HIC -Southampton
Inner city decline -> social housing form 1960's
Inner city area = High Deprivation
- Social housing (Thornhill and Notrthern Estate)
- Closed factories + manufacturing sector closed = unemployment + Poverty Cycle
- "White Flight" = moving to suburbs = High % BME
Outer city suburban ring = Low Deprivation from wealthy people + Low % BME
Bassette = area of low deprivation
- Universities = Employment and EQ + Enthinc Mix
- High MDI = Wealthiest and most educated people located
Urban Rebranding- Southhampton
- Jobs - Displacement
-Economic activity - Social Segrigation
- EQ imporves - Changes Demographic and Atmosphere
DEVELOPERS (owners and managers) - Hammerson
RETAILERS - Franco Manca
BUILDERS (on behalf of developer) - Sir Robert McAlpine
LOCAL COUNCIL- Southampton City Council
CENTRAL COUNCIL = Regional Growth Fund
Developers and planers have The PUBLIC PRIVATE PERMISSION PLAN = agreement
ReBranding - Southampton
RE-Image = Tertiary sector Hub for RETAIL AND LEISURE
West Quay shopping centre - 2000
- The Watermark 70 Million
- 2200 jobs in constructuion and retail
Admirals Quay - 2014
- 26 Storey building with 299 luxery apartments and 8 new bars and restaurants
- aimed at young proffesionals
Thronhill Regeneration
- 16,000 new homes and 10-20,000 new jobs to create Economic Growth and tackle Deprivation ver 16,000
new homes and 10 - 20,000 new jobs in an attempt
to create economic growth and tackle deprivationver 16,000
new homes and 10 - 20,000 new jobs in an attempt to create economic growth and tackle deprivation
Eu Migration
Cause : EU expansion 2004
Pull factors: UK min wage = 2 x Chezc Republic
Consquences Benifits
- Money leakage - Origanal country GDP increase
- Priamary schools under stress - UK = Multiplier Effect
- Less jobs for locals = tension - Claim less benifits and multicultralism
- Brain Drain = Poland - Poland = Less unemployment
- 653,000 immigrants from A8 countries
- Migration Observatory Economic migrants make up around 50% of the UK’s net migration
Informal Employment
Cause: Characteristics:
- R -> U migration - Underemployment
- More people than jobs - Unregulated: Child labour (500,000) and poor conditions
- Not Taxed
Examples of Employment:
- Waste Handling
- Paratransit
- Selling low value goods
EXAMPLE: DHAKA, Bangladesh
Changing Energy in the UK
Demand has Increased by 1/3
Coal: Descrease 30% Want to reduce co2 and due to increase in demand
Oil: Decrease 10%
Gas: Increase 30% Dash for gas -> Cheaper than coal -> UK exhausted so import from Russia
Nuclear: Level at 21% Used to close Energy Gap
Renewable: Increase 2%
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