Involves negative self schemas, which you build up through your early childhood experiences.nIt's a view you have of yourself from actions of others e.g. if you give a drawing to your mom and she says it's useless and rips it up, you believe that you can't do anything- this schema may then be reinforced later in life at school or work
Beck also proposed a cognitive triad where you have a negative view of yourself, then you have a negative view of the world and then a negative view of the future in a cycle e.g. if you lose your job- it may be difficult for individuals to break out of the cycle
HOWEVER... not everyone who loses their job becomes depressed so it doesn't explain the behaviour of the whole population
It also doesn't show cause-effect as the depression may cause negative views about yourself, Lewisohn (1981) found that there was no relationship between negative thoughts and future depression
Nolen- Hoeksma et al (1992) found that a negative attribution style in older children can predict future depression- but only in those children that have suffered stressful life events- this means there still needs to be an environmental trigger, Diathesis Stress Model?
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