American anti Communism
The USA feared an ideology that rejected capitalism and political democracy
They anticipated that if more countries became communist they would refuse to trade with the USA and feared that the global balance of lower had tipped against the USA
Claims that 205 communists were working in the state department
Created fear of communism
NSC 68
Pessimistically described a polarised world between capitalism and communism
Described the need for a more powerful hydrogen bomb, a system of alliances and the mobilisation of the American public
Fears for Japan
Communist control of South Korean airbases would threaten Japanese security
Ambiguous policies
By removing America troops in 1948 Truman left South Korea defenceless against the communists
Secretary of State Dean Acheson said that Korea was outside the US defence perimeter
This encouraged the Soviet Union and North Korea to believe that the USA would not fight to defend South Korea
Congress rejected a bill that gave aid to Korea in 1950
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