Daily hassles can cause stress. Stress will depend on the extent of the uplifts and the hassles. They can be outweighed or counterbalanced. (Hassles and uplifts can be linked to barriers and benefits).
Aim; compare hassles and uplifts scale and Berkman life events scale as predictors of psychological symptoms of stress.
Method; Repeated measures design. p's completed scales and assessed psychological symptoms sing hopkins symptom checklist/bradburn morale scale. (p's - 100, california).
Procedure; Tests sent out month before study started. asked to complete hassles every month for 9 months, life events after 10 months, and HSCH/bradburn every month for 9 months.
Results; the more hassles that were reported the more negative symptoms of stress were reported. hassles correlated positively with stress whereas life events did not.
Conclusion; Hassles are powerful predictor of psychological symptoms of stress no matter what life events may have occurred.
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