Causes of WW1 3 long term causes Trigger Who invaded who 3.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? HistoryOtherAll boards Created by: Alice PumphreyCreated on: 11-04-11 14:15 Empires European countries wanted large empires so as to come accross with power and prestige. British empire German Empire = = Big Small 1 of 6 Arms Race Germany and Britain were fearfull of each others weapons and battleship count and so strove to build the most. The British launched a stronger and faster type of ship called a dreadnought Germany quickly started to build similar ships 2 of 6 Alliances Alliance= When countries promise to support eachother in times of war Triple Alliance= Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Germany was worried it'd be attacked by France or Russia Triple Entente=France and Russia formed an alliance in 1893, Britain joined in 1907 They thought Germany was getting to powerful 3 of 6 The Assasination Of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Part Austia took over Bosnia A few Serbian People are upset cos they live over the border and dont want to be ruled by Austrians Apis (chief of Serbian Secret Service) haes Franz cos he's soon to be king of Austria-Hungary. He wants him dead. Apis hires som men who call themselves "The Black Hand Gang" to kill Franz TBHG's leader is Gavrillo Princip- he is dying of TB and has nothing to lose FF takes a tour of Sarajevo with his his pegnant wife sophie, this is where TBHG will kill him on the 28th June 4 of 6 The Assasination Of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Part Princip has a pistol, and Cabrillovic has a grenade. they all have cyanide Franz has little security, but shields his wife from a grenade thrown by TBHG TBHG, shocked at Cabrillovic's failure, simply watch franz+ sophie go past Cabrillovic drinks cyanide and jumps in a river, but gets revived by the police Princip is shocked by his friend's failure, and goes to get something to eat Franz' driver takes a wrong turn and drives right by Princhip Princip fires two bullets, hitting the duke through the nech, and his pregnant wife through the stomach 5 of 6 Who Invaded Who? 28th June- The heir to the Austro-Hungairian throne, Franz, is assasinated in Bosnia Austria blames Serbia for the killing The Russian army gets ready to help Serbia defend it's self against the Austro-Hungairian attack Germany, Austria's ally, sends a demand to Russia ordering them to hold back from helping Serbia Austria declares war on Serbia, Belgrade is bombed Germany declares war on Russia, and begins to move its army towards France (Russia's ally) The French prepare to fight the German invasion Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium who are neutral Britain orders Germany to withdraw from Belgium The Germans are still in Belgium, Britain declares war on Germany Austria declares war on Russia 6 of 6
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