Changes for Workers and Women 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryWeimar Republic 1918-29GCSEEdexcel Created by: SabihaHalimCreated on: 10-08-20 08:45 Intro- Changes for workers & women Period 1924-29 saw important improvements for women & workers in Germany. But there was still underlying problems in German society Living standards improved after 1923, because of gov. funding & policies 1 of 7 Changes in Living Standards- Wages & work P= Working hours reduced P=Wages rose P=Working conditions improved N= Hyperinflation made employment insecure N= Wealthy German's resented workers benefiting 2 of 7 Changes in Living Standards-Housing P= 15% rent tax introduced to fund building associations P= Between 1925-29, 101,000 homes were built N= Still a housing shortage buy things had improved 3 of 7 Changes of Living Standard- Unemployment insurance P= 3% of workers earnings deducted to be put towards insurance so it would give them a basic amout of benefits if they got unemployed or sick 4 of 7 Women at Work Some of gains brought about by WW1 were lost Most women gave up work after they married A drop in women from 75% in 1918 to 36% to 25 Few women secured high-status jobs an increase in part time work Some professions e.g. teaching & medicine offered new opportunities for Women Women encouraged to go University 5 of 7 Women at Leisure Greater earning power led to more independece for younger & single women Women less interested in marriage & family and more in having 'a good time' Behaviour of 'new women' disliked by some who felt traditional values eroded by this 6 of 7 Women in Politics In 1918, Women could vote & could stand for elections 90% turned at elections Article 109 of constitution stated women had equal rights as men and could enter professions on equal basis Marriage an equal partnership 7 of 7
what was the role of women during WW! and how did this help them to get the vote??? 4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
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