Despite political, social and economic unrest, life did improve for some under Weimar Republic.
During the 'Golden Years', living standards improved in the Weimar Republic. This was a result of Germany's economic prosperity, but also of the reforms that took place throughout the 1920s
Unemployment - Were more protected. In 1927, the government introduced unemployment insurance. Workers could pay into the scheme and would recieve cash benefits if they became unemployed.
Wages - Working classes became more prosperous. Wages for industrial workers rose quickly in the late 1920s.
Housing - Government launched mass housing projects. More than 2 million new homes were built between 1924 and 1931. This also provided extra employment.
Some problems remained: Higher living standars could only be maintained with a strong economy, and Germany's was fragile ; the changes mainly helped the working classes - the middle classes couldn't acess the welfare benefits, they felt ignored and their resentment made it easier for the government's political opponents to gain support.
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