The main nutrients we need are carbohydrate, protein, lipids (fats), vitamins, minerals, water and fibre
The recommended daily amount (RDA) was calculated by dieticians to find out how much of the food types we need
Dietary requirements depend on age, gender, lifestyle and any medical conditions
Our diet provides building materials for cells and gives energy for movement, chemical reactions, growing and warmth
Nutritionists and dieticians produce data to help us chose foods so we eat a balanced diet with the correct energy intake.
A person can suffer from malnutrition if they eat too much/little food, or have an excess/a lack of an essential nutrient
Starvation is form of malnutrition, where the person does not have enough energy for daily needs
Dieticians will say that the only way to healthily losweight is with a balanced diet, lower energy intake and more exercise. This is safe and sustainable, and allows the chemical balance of the body to adjust
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2.2 Food labelling and testing
By law, manufacturers have to put accurate dietary information on labels
Nutritional informationtells you what is in 100g of the food
Glucose present- Clear blue to cloudy when boiled with Benedict's reagent
Starch present- Brown to black with iodine
Protein present- Blue to lilac with biuret reagent
Vitamin C present- Blue to colourless with DCPIP
We can find the energy content of food by burning a piece and heating a boiling tube of water
Energy content= Volume of water x temperature rise x 1.2J / weight of food (g)
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