Age: 25
Apperance: 6ft, quifed black hair, jaw lengthed side burns and a moustasche
Dress: When at the party he would be in dining attire but in the first scene he will be wearing white toursers and carry a black walking caine; never without his bow tie
Generally-To fit into society, but in this episode to protect his wife, whom he knows isnt ready to have a mother
Act 1-
He will do and say anything so that Lady W doesnt find out that Mrs E is her mother and this ends up sounding like scandal, but also understands that this is he best opportunity to get Mrs E off his bank book
Act II-
Mend things with his wife whilsed surpressing rumours of his dishonesty
He wants to get back to see his wife but knows his social duties
Act IV-
He wishes to return to normalacy
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