Chest Auscultations


lung lobes


  • Upper lobe 
  • Middle lobe 
  • Lower lobe 

LEFT (2)

  • Upper lobe 
  • Lower lobe 
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Listen for

Listen for:
Breath sounds
Any adventitious (added) sounds

Breath sounds.

Any adventitious (added) sounds.

If abnormalities, listen to transmitted voice sounds. 
If abnormalities, listen to transmitted voice sounds (Ask patient to say ‘ninety nine’)

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Breath sounds

Louder, harsher
Expiratory sounds lasts longethan inspiratory
Intermediate intensInspiration and expirationsounds about equal
Soft, low pitched
Inspiration and first 1/3

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Breath sounds (2)

Atelectasis (eg mucus plug in a mainstem bronchus)
Pleural effusion
Pneumothorax (over the pleural aCOPDBronchial Consolidation (pneumonia, pulmonary oedema)

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Added lung sounds

1) Crackles- Intermittent fine or coarse 

2) Wheezes- High pitched 

3) Ronchi- Low pitched 

4) Stridor- High pitched crowing, usually heard without stethescope 

5) Pleural friction rub- low pitched grating/rubbing sounds heard on inspiration or expiration

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