'The radio warned of a possible typhoon the next day'- Pathetic fallacy . Weather is uncertain and possibly threatening, reflects how Mah feels about the future / thoughts of future.
'Holy of Holies'- Metaphorical term gives impression of study as a palce usually off limits to Mah. Suggests a sacred place only accessed by priests.
'Why?'- Rhetorical question shows Mah searching for explanation.
'Me, the winner?'- Series of rhetorical questions show her immediate reaction- doesn't speak aloud- all reaction here is internal.
'I only had to stretch out my hand to reach the stars?'- Hyperbole expresses how the happiness of the moment transports her far from usual experiences.
'How come you won?'- italics suggests his surprise at her winning.
'you will go to England...you will go to medical school... you will specialise in obstetrics...you will learn to deliver their babies'- Repetition of 'will' makes its definite and decided. No option to question decision.
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