Civil Rights Movement- part 2
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- Created by: Rosie
- Created on: 20-04-13 17:10
1945 social situation
- North
- no de jure segregation
- 48% blacks live in urban area
- war inspiration
- ghettoism, police brutality and crime
- lack of education
- de facto segregation
- South
- challenging Jim Crow laws
- more activism- boycotts
- NAACP numbers increase to 450,000
- de jure and de facto segregation
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1945 economic situation
- North
- trade unions create pressure for equality
- more job opportunities-factories
- unskilled and low-paid jobs
- ridiculously high rent for poor conditions
- whites don't want to live near them as house prices drop
- South
- growing middle class of teachers, lawyers, doctors...
- free college education for returning soldiers (GI Bill of Rights)
- mainly domestic service and manual labour= worst jobs, sharecropping
- demobilisation means whites return to jobs
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1945 political situation
- North
- can vote now because of new boundaries
- 250,000 blacks in harlem vote for black congressman
- total of only 2 black congressman
- South
- NAACP make voting easier (Smith v Allwright)
- literacy tests
- not many sympathiser candidates
- South only represented by whites
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1945 legal situation
- North
- not de jure discrimination
- de facto discrimination
- rare to see black policemen
- police brutality
- South
- pressure built up for change
- all judges, jurors, officials are white
- no sentences passed when returning black servicemen are beaten
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CORE's Journey of Reconciliation (1947)
- to show differences between de jure and de facto and Morgan v Virginia ruling
- 8 black and 8 white members travel by bus from northern states to southern states
- black members sit in white areas
- white members sit in black areas
- successfully prove bus companies in south ignore rulings
- 12 members arrested
- failed to enforce desegregation of southern bus services
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Direct Action (1945-55)
- encourage black voting registration
- 1947 picket New Orleans biggest department stores
- 1953 boycott school in Lafayette= inferior to white school
- lynching investigations and court cases into lynches reduce the number of lynchings
- week long bus boycott (1953)- too short for media attention and to hurt companies,
- Operation Free Lift- a carpooling scheme
- encourage Arkansas voter registration from 1.5% to 17.3%
- Journey of Reconciliation (1947)
- increase confidence
- non violent protest achieved
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Emmett Till (1955)
- brutally murdered at 14 years old
- mutilated body
- wolf whistled at a white woman
- first time white men were charged with murder of a black
- BUT result was not guilty
- encouraged many blacks to become civil rights activists
- his mother had an open casket funeral to demonstrate what was done
- Eisenhower made no comment
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Autherine Lucy (1955)
- successfully took Uni. of Alabama to court for refusing admission
- BUT they expelled her and said she lied when she said they expelled because of her race
- first expulsion of a black student form Uni. of Alabama
- Eisenhower kept quiet
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1945-1955 Conclusion
- campaign methods developed
- shows the importance of presidential action
- successful cases showing segregation was unconstitutional
- CORE NAACP UDL CNO organise campaigns, test rulings, challenge segregation
- Brown and Brown II highlight reluctance of white authorities to put Supreme Court Rulings into action
- Progress was slow despite best efforts to end segregation laws
- many in Congress oppose integration
- Eisenhower laissez faire attitude to desegregating South
- government, judges, police, jurors resist change and intimidate campainers
- Southern racists quickly organise themselves to oppose rulings
- CORE and NAACP hadn't perfected methods
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Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-56)
- Content
- Rosa Parks refuse to give up seat, arrested, fined
- Montgomery Blacks boycott buses, carpooling
- Bus companies lose 65% revenue
- NAACP court case (Browder v Gayle) desegregate buses after boycott fails to
- Significance
- show economic power of black people
- highlight significance of media
- establish SCLC
- showed lengths whites would go to to stop desegregation
- show Supreme Court willing to overrule Plessy v Ferguson
- let his church be used as a meeting place to plan
- establish SCLC (in 1957)
- his MIA instrumental in guiding boycott
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Little Rock (1957)
- Content
- Governor Orval Fauvus use National Gurad to prevent 9 blacks entering a school
- white mob
- politically motivated
- Eisenhower forced to take control- USA face (cold war), use national guard to escort students
- Faubus closes schools and 4000 blacks and whites seek education elsewhere
- Cooper v Aaron ruling
- Significance
- de jure led to de facto
- force Presidential action and high level (1000 troops for 9 students)
- show extent white southern racists would go
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Greensboro sit-ins (1960)
- Content
- 4 students sat at white only counter in Woolworth's
- day 2 = 27 students
- day 4= 300
- across 6 states- sit-ins, swim-ins.... all public places (parks...)
- Woolworth's profits decrease by 1/3 in campaign
- Significance
- increased no. of CRM organisations
- demonstrate speed that campaigns spread
- significance of the media
- show economic power of blacks
- 1961 810 towns desegregate their public places
- initially no involvement
- encouraged sit ins and when called joined them
- was lead rather than lead himself
- SNCC established
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Freedom Rides (1961)
- Content
- travel from W. DC to New Orleans using interstate transport
- organised by CORE, 6 white and 7 black from CORE and SNCC swap seats
- planned media attention
- expect violence- white mob, police with links to KKK, no protection, in Montgomery no medics when battered with baseball bats
- General Robert Kennedy enforced desegregation of interstate buses
- Significance
- marked high point in co-operation of CORE SNCC SCLC
- showed Kennedy's new administration was sympathetic
- didn't go to rides as on probation
- made contact with riders
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The Albany Movement (1961-62)
- Content
- Local Police Chief Laurie Pritchett ordered police to stop mobs and give respect and protection to protestors
- all in order to deny media attention
- Significance
- show peaceful protests don't always work
- led to divisions in organisations
- in future plan to protest in places more likely to be attacked
- followed not led
- arrested but released by Pritchett perhaps to avoid media
- acknowledged his tactics hadn't worked
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Meredith and the University of Mississippi (1962)
- Content
- James Meredith- 1st black student at Uni of Mississippi
- refused enrolment but Kennedy put pressure on governor to back down
- Meredith faced mob on campus and couldn't enrol
- Jennedy send troops to defend him and try to enrol successfully
- riot broke out- 2 deaths
- shunned but graduated with degree
- Significance
- did graduate 1963
- presidential action
- show lengths white mobs would go to
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Civil Rights Act (1957)
- the act that kick-started the civil rights legislative programme
- pushed through by Eisenhower
- aimed to ensure that all African Americans could exercise their right to vote as only 20% of African Americans had registered to vote
- the final act became a much watered done affair due to the lack of support among the Democrats
- any person found guilty of obstructing someone’s right to register barely faced the prospect of punishment as a trial by jury in the South meant the accused had to face an all-white jury as only whites could be jury members.
- Political support and public confidence for the Act had been eroded when Eisenhower publicly admitted that he did not understand parts of it.
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