Achelous was a river god who fought with Heracles for the hand in marriage of Princess Deianira.
His horn is missing as Hercules tore it off to create a cornucopia. However, Achelous is happy to have lost to one of the great Greek heroes.
Hercules' reasons for marriage were that he is related to the most powerful Gods; he is a hero; and he is good at wrestling. Achelous' are that he is a God; he isn't a foreigner; he wasn't the product of an affair; and he wasn't punishable by Juno.
Hercules defeated Achelous:
I) He threw sand over them both and came at him from all sides. However, the God wasn't shaken.
II) They wrestled until he jumped onto Achelous' back. He turns into a snake, which hercules suffocates, then a bull, which he overpowers.
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