Cold War
- Created by: ash8642
- Created on: 01-10-16 20:23
Key Dates
June 1941 - Hitler invades the USSR, who allies with Britain and the USA
Late 1941 - USA start research project into Atomic Bomb: The Manhattan Project
Nov 1943 - Tehran Conference
Feb 1945 - Yalta Conference
May 1945 - War ends in Europe
July 1945 - Potsdam Conference
16th Jul 1945 - USA developed Atom Bomb; tested at Trinity Site
Aug 1945 - Atomic Bomb dropped on Japan
Feb 1946 - Kennan's Long Telegram
Mar 1946 - Fulton Speech (Iron Curtain Speech)
Key Dates
Sep 1946 - Novikov Telegram
Jan 1947 - Communist Government in Poland
Feb 1947 - Communists seize Czechoslovakia
Mar 1947 - Truman Doctrine
June 1947 - Marshall Plan
Sep 1947 - First Comiform meeting
Mar 1948 - Trizonia formed (Britain, France and the USA)
June 1948 - Deuchmark introduced into Trizonia
June 1948 - Berlin Blockade
June 1948-May 1949 - Berlin Airlift
Key Dates
Jan 1949 - Comecon formed
Apr 1949 - NATO formed
29th Aug 1949 - USSR tests their first atomic bomb: First Lightning
Feb 1950 - communist China and USSR sign a treaty of alliance
1st Nov 1952 - USA denote first Hydrogen Bomb on Enewetak Atoll
Jan 1953 - Eisenhower becomes president of USA
Mar 1953 - Stalin dies and Khrushchev takes power
8th Aug 1953 - Soviets declare they have a Hydrogen Bomb
12th Aug 1953 - Soviets test their Hydrogen Bomb at Semipalatinsk Test Site
1955 - USA and USSR meet in Geneva and agree to communicate more openly
Key Dates
1955 - USSR officially recognise West Germany as a state
1955 - USSR establish Warsaw Pact
1956 - Fidel Castro begins a guerrila war
1956 - Protest against lack of free speech and free movement in Czechoslovakia
1956 - Uprising in Poland - allowed new government to follow their own version of communism
Oct 1956 - Protest in Budapest against government of Rakosi
Nov 1956 - Nagy announced Hungary would withdraw from Warsaw Pact and hold free-elections
Nov 1956 - Soviet tanks invade Hungary; Nagy arrested and hanged
1957 - Soviets develop Intercontinenal Ballistic Missiles
4th Oct 1957 - Soviets launch artifical satellite: Sputnik
Key Dates
3rd Nov 1957 - Second Sputnik launched, carrying a dog
31st Jan 1958 - USA launch their satellite
1958 - USA tests Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
1958 - Berlin Ultimatum
1959 - Castro takes over Havana, Cuba's capital and overthrows government
1959 - Khrushchev visits USA
1960 - Paris Summit
Jan 1961 - USA sever all diplomatic relations with Cuba
Apr 1961 - Bay of Pigs
1961 - Vienna Summit; JFK as US President
Key Dates
Sep 1961 - Cuba ask USSR for weapons to defead against USA
13th Aug 1961 - 27-mile barrier built overnight, separating East and West Berlin
Dec 1961 - Castro publically announces that he is communist
Apr 1962 - USA put missiles in Turkey
Jul 1962 - Khrushchev puts nuclear missiles in Cuba
Oct 1962 - American U2 spy planes spot the missile bases
Oct 1962 - JFK orders naval blockade of Cuba
Oct 1962 - US Bombers put in the air with nuclear bombs; world on brink of nuclear war
27th Oct 1962 - Deal made to dismantle missile bases and lift blockade
1963 - JFK visits West Berlin ('Ich bin ein Berliner' speech)
Key Dates
1963 - telephone 'hotline' established between Washington and Moscow
1963 - The Limited Test Ban Treaty: all future tests to be carried out underground
1964 - Krushchev resigns, seen as a failure by the public
1967 - The Outer Space Treaty: forbids countries to put weapons of mass destruction in space
Jan 1968 - Dubcek becomes leader of Communist Party in Czechoslovakia
Apr 1968 - Dubcek introduces reforms that go against Soviet-style communism: Prague Spring
21st Aug 1968 - 500,000 Soviet troops invade Czechoslovakia; non-violent response
Jan 1969 - Student burns himself alive in protest
Apr 1969 - Ducbek forcibly removed from office; Husak steps up
1969 - Brezhnev Doctrine
Key Dates
1970 - The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: agreement not to give nuclear weapons to those who did not already have them
1970 - Detente
1972 - First Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT 1)
1975 - Helsinki Agreement
1978 - Civil War in Afghanistan
1979 - The Second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT 2)
1979 - Carter Doctrine
Dec 1979 - USSR invade Afghanistan
1980 - Boycott of the Moscow Olympic Games in protest to Soviet-Afghan War
Jan 1981 - Ronald Reagan becomes US President
Key Dates
Mar 1983 - Reagan announces Strategic Defence Initiative: Star Wars
1983 - Detente is over
Mar 1985 - Gorbachev becomes leader of USSR
1985 - Gorbachev introduces 'perestroika' and 'glasnost'
1985 - Geneva Summit
1987 - Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
1988 - Gorbachev announces withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan
1988 - Reduction in USSR weapons stockpile and number of troops in Soviet armed forces
1988 - Brezhnev Doctrine abandoned
1988 - Withdrawal of Soviet troops/tanks/aircraft from Eastern Europe
Key Dates
May 1989 - Hungary opens its border with Austria
Jun 1989 - Free elections in Poland
Oct 1989 - Mass protests against communist regime
Nov 1989 - East German government open border between East and West Berlin
Nov 1989 - Free elections promised and wall torn down
Dec 1989 - Communist governments collapse in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania
1990 - Non-communist government in Poland
Mar 1990 - Hungary's Communist Party defeated in elections
Mar 1990 - Lithuania declares itself independent
Oct 1990 - East and West Germany rejoin to form one state
Key Dates
1990 - Communist Party divided
Jan 1991 - Soviets invade Vilnius, Lithuania; intervention no longer deterred protests
Aug 1991 - Coup plotted against Soviet government; failed
25th Dec 1991 - Gorbachev resigns
26th Dec 1991 - USSR dissolved
1991 - Yeltsin elected leader of Russia and capitalism adopted
Tehran Conference
- November 1943
- Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill
- Agreed to open a 2nd Front in order to ease pressure on USSR
- Stalin would declare war on Japan once war was over in Europe
- Agreed on principle, Germany would be kept weak after the war
- Agreed on principle, Poland to be given some of Germany's land but USSR would keep siezed land from Poland
- An International Body would be set up to dispute ideas (would be UN)
Yalta Conference
- February 1945
- Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill
- Germany would be split into 4 zones
- UN was to be established
- USSR was to recieve great reparations
- Stalin would join the war against Japan
- Stalin would have free elections in Eastern Europe
- Poland's borders and the UN
Potsdam Conference
- July 1945
- Stalin, Attlee, Truman
- Germany and Berlin would both be split into 4 zones
- Economy would run as one
- The level of reparations were agreed
- Eastern Europe, Atomic Bomb and Poland's borders
Potsdam - Causes
May 1945 - VE Day
No 'Big Three' - Stalin, Truman, and Attlee
No definite decisions were made at Yelta
Potsdam - Consequences
Tensions begin between the USA and the USSR
There are arguments over boundaries and reparations
There is no trust between the USA and the USSR
- Truman did not tell Stalin about the Atomic Bomb
Truman Doctrine
March 1947
Containing communism
America would give aid to countries where communism was threatening to take-over
America's job ---> Britain could no longer afford to keep their soldiers in Greece
Truman Doctrine - Causes
Growth in Soviet power
Britain could not afford to keep soldiers in Greece
Greece would be lost to communism if there wasn't intervention
Truman decided it was the USA's job to contain communism
Truman Doctrine - Consequences
Shaped international relations
Led to the creation of Cominform and Comecon
- September 1947
- Co-ordinate governments in Eastern Europe so they ran as Stalin wanted
- Communist Party, Satalitte States, Yugoslavia, France and Italy
- 1st Meeting
- They rejected the Marshall Plan
- They spread propaganda saying the US were like German Nazis
- Strongest support was from Yugoslovia
- Expelled in June 1948
- Headquarters
- Belgrade
- Bucharest, Romania
Berlin Crisis
Soviet's walk out of meeting about future of Germany
Fulton Speech (Iron Curtain)
Trizonia and the Deutschmark
March 1948 - Trizonia
June 1948 - Deutschmark
Stalin was scared
Western powers had extended control
He was losing control over his area
Berlin Blockade - June 1948 to May 1949
Block road, rail, and water access to Berlin
Stalin had control around Berlin
Berlin Blockade - Causes
Trizonia - combination of the USA, Britain, and France
Went against promise of one economy
Stalin thought he was losing control
Berlin Blockade - Consequences
West Berlin is isolated, with no supplies
Berlin Airlift
Stalin built the Atomic Bomb
- January 1949
- Soviet's equivilent to the Marshall Plan
- USSR, Bulgaria, Czechslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, East Germany
- Albania in 1950
- Would give aid in line with communist principles
- 1953, used to organise industrial planning -> 5 year plan
Hungarian Uprising
October 1956
Riot in Budapest due to lack of freedom
Nagy - leader of Hungary
Makes a two-party government
People revolt against the Red Army
Seize-fire is called ---> Red Army leave
West say they will send help
Never do, saying it's the Soviet's problem
1000 tanks are sent to regain control
20,000 Hungarians killed
Nagy arrested and executed
Second Berlin Crisis
People immigrated from East Berlin to West Berlin
West Berlin was more economically developed
Krushchev wanted the whole of Berlin
Force West out
November 1958
Demands Berlin should be an independant country
27th November 1958 - Berlin Ultimatum
Berlin to be demilitarised ---> free-city Or
Krushchev would hand control of routes to East Germany
Cuban Revolution
January 1959
Revolutionaries topple Pro-American government in Cuba
Led by Castro and Guevara
America accepted the government but would not aid them
May 1959
Cuba takes all its land back from America
February 1960
Cuba makes an agreement with the USSR
Secret clause: Cuba would receive arms for the USSR
Berlin Wall
12th August 1961
Wall went around Berlin and between East and West Berlin
Erected overnight - originally a fence
12ft tall by 1975
5000 people managed to escape
USA did not oppose it
Threat of nuclear war
Kennedy was a new president
Wall showed the USSR had given up on gaining West Berlin
Cuban Missile Crisis
16th to 28th October 1962
America places missiles in Turkey and Italy
16th October 1962 - Emergency meeting about reaction
22nd October 1962 - Naval blockade
27th October 1962
Plane and submarine hit
Submarine thought war had started
2 out of 3 people agreed to launch attack ---> launch didn't happen
Robert Kennedy - missiles removed from Cuba
missiles removed from Turkey and Italy
Prague Spring
'Socialism with a human face'
Trade Unions were given wider power
Censorship was more relaxed
Multi-party elections were discussed
1969 -1980
USSR leader - Dubcek
USA leaders - Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan
SALT - Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
1975 - FInal Act
Recognise Human Rights
'Just a piece of paper' to USSR
Charter 77 - obey Final Act
Ended when USSR invaded Afghanistan
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