Cold War - Questions

Edexcel History

Cold War

Question help and 12 markers

  • Created by: Michaela
  • Created on: 09-06-12 13:27

Section 4

Explain why relations between the USA and USSR worsened in the Years 1947-1949

  • Stalin setting up satellite states
  • Comecon (1949) and cominform (1947)
  • Marshall plan (1947) and Truman Doctrine (1947) 

Explain why relations between the USA and USSR changed in the years 1948 - 1953

  • East and West Germany (1948)
  • Berlin Blockade (1948-1949)
  • Arms race (1945,1949,1953)

Explain why the relations between the USA and USST worsened in the years 1949 - 1955

  • Berlin Blockade (1948-1949)
  • Arms Race (1945)
  • Formation of NATO and Warsaw Pact (1949)
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Section 4

Explain why there was an uprising in Hungary in 1956

  • Cominforms oppressive regime (1949)
  • De-stalinisation (1953)
  • Appointment of Matyas Rakosi (1949 - 1956)

Explain why realtions between the USA and USSR changed in the years 1943 - 1956

  • The 3 conferences - Tehran (1943), Yalta (1945), Potsdam (1945)
  • War of Words - Long Telegram (1946), Novikovs Telegram (1946)
  • Truman Doctrine (1947) , Marshall Plan (1947)

Why did the gulf between the allied widen in the years 1943 - 1946

  • The 3 conferences - Tehran (1943), Yalta (1945), Potsdam (1945)
  • War of Words - Long Telegram (1946), Novikovs Telegram (1946)
  • Truman Doctrine (1947) , Marshall Plan (1947)
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Section 5

Explain why relations between Cuba and the USA worsened in the years 1959 - 1961

  • Fidel Castro wanted greater independence
  • Failed invasion by Kennedy
  • Castro asking Krushchev for help

Explain why there was a crisis over Cuba in 1962

  • Cuban revolution (1959)
  • Bay of Pigs (1961)
  • Missile bases - led to "thirteen days" (1961)

Explain why Berlin was a cold war flashpoint in the years 1957 -1963

  • Berlin crisis - Refugee problem (1958)
  • Four summits - Geneva (may 1958), Camp David (Sept 1959), Paris (may 1960), Vienna (June 1961)
  • Berlin Wall (12 August 1961)
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Explain why reations between the USA abd USST changed in the years 1957 - 1969

  • The Berlin Crisis (1958-1963)
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
  • Czecholovakia and the Prague Spring (1968-1969)

Explain why Cuba developed a close relationship with the Soviet Union in the years 1959-1962

  • Cuban Revolution (1959)
  • Bay of Pigs (1961)
  • Missile bases (196)
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Section 6

Explain why relations betwwen the USA and the Soviet Union changed in the years 1979 - 1983

  • Collapse of detente (19790
  • Kabul Revolution (April 1979)
  • The Carter doctrine (January 1980)

Explain why relations betwwen the USA and the Soviet Union changed in the years 1981 -1985

  • Ronald Regan became President (1981) - Against detente
  • "Evil Empire" speech by Reagan (March 1983)
  • Gorbachevs New thinking (1985) - Glasnost and Peretrokia

Explain why detente collapsed in the years 1979 - 1984

  • Kabul revolution (1978 - 1979)
  • Soviet invasion of Afghnistan (Decemeber 1979)
  • Carter Doctrine (1980)
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Section 6

Explain why realtions between the USA and Soviet Union changed in the years 1983 - 1987

  • Reagans "evil empire" speech (march 1983)
  • SDI or "Star Wars (1983)
  • Geneva (1985) and Reykjavik (1986)

Explain why relations between the USA and the USSR changed in the years 1979 - 1991

  • Collapse of detente (1979)
  • President Reagan and the second cold war (1981)
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union (1991)
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