Communism Vs Nationalism 1914 - 1933 Essay Question Points


1914 - 1918

Communist Threats 

- Splinter groups from the SPD of the KPD/Spartacists 

- Kiel Mutiny 1918... law and order was challeged by the sailors who supported socialist uprising and disregarded their oath of allegiance to the Reich.

Nationalist Threats 

- Kaiser Wilhelm II's Weltpolitik and Sammlungspolitik 

- The emergence of the 'Silent Dictatorship' of Hindenburg and Ludendorff

- Reichstag's Peace Resolution overuled in trying to end the war by the Nationalist Leadership in July 1917

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1919 - 1924

Communist Threats 

- 1919 Spartacist Uprising 

- Bavarian Socialist Republic 1919

- Worker Strikes against the government and the 1920 Kapp Putsch

- Hamburg 1923

Nationalist Threats

- Freikorps violence and assasinations...1922 assasination of Walter Rathenau  

- 1920 Kapp Putsch 

- 1923 Munich Putsch 

- 1923 Kuestrin Putsch...Black Reichswehr 

- Feme Murders...Black Reichswehr and Organisation Consul murders of political opponents and traitors to their across this period until the Kuestrin Putsch.

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1924 - 1929

Nationalist Threats

- 1924 Adolf Hitler was released from Landsberg Prison after serving less than a year of his five year sentence

- 1925 NSDAP established as a political party and not a reationary group

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1929 - 1933

Communist Threats 

- Wall Street Crash 1929 increases support for Communism

- Blutmai 1929... Communist demonstrators clash with Berlin police under SDP control

- Communist worker strikes in response to the 30 people killed by police in May 

Nationalist Threats 

- Rise in Nazi Power within the Reichstag in 1930's

- Increased Stuermabteilung violence on streets 

- Article 48... allowed Schleicher to assume dictatorship in Prussia and allow President Hindenburg excessive political power 

- Extremist parties not supporting the democratic chancellor stagnates politics 

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