comparative Tsunami Case studies 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyCase studiesA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Naomi catonCreated on: 08-09-19 11:55 Boxing Day Tsunami 2004 14 countires 2 continents many LICs magintude of 9.1 to 9.3 ( very strong ) 250,000 deaths due to... Isolated island nations were difficult to access localised inaccessability led to more deaths poor quality housing led to more deaths coastal urabisiastion and high population density inceased vunerability uneducated fishermen lot their livelihoods 1 of 6 Japanese Tohoku 2011 1 HIC smaller spatial scale minor global impacts magnitude 8.9 ( strong ) strict seismic building codes & warning systems and texts prevented deaths ( lots of peoples stayed in country ) nuclear industry declined- loss of energy security 15,000-18,000 deaths due to... ageing population in Japan ( vulnerable ) localised inaccessibility led to more deaths coastal urbanisation and high population density increased vulnerability 2 of 6 comparing the physical characteristics Boxing day tsunami 2004 Japanese Tohoku 2011 waves hit a height of 15-30m one of largest for 40 years - magnitude 9.1 after shock larger than magnitude of 7.0 travelled 10km in land ground shaking for 6 minutes wave hight upto 40m 3 of 6 comparing the key players Boxing day Tsunami 2004 Japanese Tohoku 2011 It was the largest international AID effort in histroy ( £7000 million donated in 7 days) Uk public donated £100 million NGOs (non govermental organisastion) charity e,g save the children nationoal government - AID ( US , US, China ) united nation- raised awareness- social media Japanese metrological agency gave early warnings 4 of 6 comparing the impacts Boxing day tsunami 2004 Japanese Tohuko 2011 250,000 deaths $25 million lost in tourism industry 5 million people in the 14 countries affected 70% of villages killed in some areas level 7 meltdown-fukumisha nuclear plant 18,000 died 12,000 buildings collapsed - fire & gas 5 of 6 Why are the cases so different? Boxing day Tsunami 2004 Japanese Tohoku 2011 No early warning systems-LIC-cant afford tech coastal communites unaware of danger- lack of education many of surrounding countires are developing well educuated and prepared strict buildibg codes- early warning systems high level development 6 of 6
GEOG4- Tectonic activity and hazards [2014] pre-release series: #4- pre-release revision PPT. 0.0 / 5
GEOG4- Tectonic activity and hazards [2014] pre-release series: #3- pre-release revision notes. 0.0 / 5
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