Computer Science Paper 2 Definitions
- Computing
- ProgrammingRepresenting dataComputer systemsDatabasesHardwareNetworksSoftwareThe InternetSystems development lifecycle
- Created by: DrSeanRobertDonnelly
- Created on: 18-03-19 18:45
Algorithms, Programming techniques and Computation
Abstraction = Representing 'real world' problems in a computer using variables and symbols and removing unnecessary elements from the problem.
Algorithmic Thinking = Identifying the steps involved in solving a problem.
Flowchart = A diagram that shows the inputs, outputs and processes in an algorithm.
Pseudocode = A simplified programming code that is not language specific, used to design algorithms.
Linear Search = Each item in the list is checked in order.
Binary Search = An ordered list is divided in two with each comparison.
Bubble Sort = Moves through a list repeatedly, swapping elements that are in the wrong order.
Merge Sort = A list is split into individual lists, these are then combined (2 lists at a time).
Insertion Sort = Each item is taken in turn, compared to the items in a sorted list and placed in the correct position.
Algorithms, Programming techniques and Computation
Ordered List = A list where elements are arranged in sequence.
Computational Thinking = The use of computers to solve problems by the development of algorithms.
Decompostion = The breaking down of large computational problems into smaller ones.
List = A linear set of data.
Unordered List = A list where elements are not arranged in any particular sequence.
Dry Run = Walking through an algorithm with sample data, running each step manually.
Trace Table = A table that follows the values of variables to check that an algorithm is functioning correctly.
Semantic or Logical Error = An error in the code that is a mistake in the logic or steps of the algorithm.
Syntax Error = An error in the code where expected syntax is not present or used correctly.
Producing Robust Programs 1
Defensive Program Design = Developing programs that are robust and prevent deliberate or non-deliberate misuse.
Data Validation = A check made by program code to ensure that data entered is sensible or reasonable by applying certain rules to the input.
Format Check = Data Validation method that ensures the data entered is in the right format.
Length Check = Data Validation method that ensures the data entered isn't too short or too long.
Lookup Table Check = Data Validation method that ensures the data entered matches a value from a particular table.
Presence Check = Data Validation method that ensures that data entered has actually been entered.
Range Check = Data Validation method that ensures the data entered falls between a certain range of values.
Producing Robust Programs 2
Spell Check = Data Validation method that ensures the data entered matches words from a dictionary.
Input Sanitisation = A method for validating data that prevents misuse by ********* out certain unwanted characters or strings from input.
Authentication = A coding method to check that the user is who they claim to be. Can be via password or something physical like a thumbprint.
Maintainability = A robust program should be easily maintainable so that changes can be easily made to meet new requirements.
Runtime Error = An error that may cause program errors or even a crash even if there appears nothing wrong with the code. E.g. running out of memory.
Iterative Testing = Testing the code as it is designed either line by line or a section at a time.
Final or Terminal Testing = Testing that is carried out when the program has been written. If an end user is involved this is sometimes called Acceptance Testing.
Producing Robust Programs 3
Test Data = Selecting suitable values to test the program's functionality. Can be valid (in range), out of range, boundary, null or invalid data.
Test Plan = A formal document that sets out each test of the program's functionality with information about each test e.g. date, type, expected result.
Translators and facilities of language
Machine Code = First generation language directly executable by the processor, written in binary or hex.
Assembly Language = Second generation language that uses mnemonics to represent machine code instructions on a one-to-one basis.
Programming Language = Third generation language that uses English-like keywords where one instruction translates to many machine code instructions.
Declarative Language = Fourth generation language in which facts and rules are stated to describe what computation should be performed not how to do it.
Assembler = Translates Assembly Language Code into Machine Code.
Compiler = Translates entire source code of a Programming Language to Machine Code all at once. Usually provides some optimisation and error reports.
Interpreter = Translates entire source code of a Programming Language to Machine Code line by line. If an error is found, execution stops.
IDE = An Itegrated Development Environment provides an editor, error diagnostics, a run-time environment and a translator for writing code.
Data Representation 1
Bit = A binary digit. Can be 0 (false) or 1 (true).
Nibble = A group of 4 bits. Represents a single hexadecimal digit.
Byte = A group of 8 bits with 256 different possible combinations.
Kilobyte (KB) = 1,024 Bytes.
Megabyte (MB) = 1,024 Kilobytes.
Gigabyte GB) = 1,024 Megabytes.
Terabyte (TB) = 1,024 Gigabytes.
Petabyte (PB) = 1,024 Terabytes
Binary = A number system based on 1s and 0s. Used in computers because transistors can be in one of two states.
Hexadecimal = A number system based on 0 to F. Easier for humans to use and easy to convert to and from binary.
Data Representation 2
Binary Shift = A binary shift increases or decreases the number represented by (approximately) a factor of 2.
ASCII = American Standard Code of Information Interchange is a 7/8 bit system for representing characters.
Unicode = Unicode is a 16 bit system for representing characters.
Character Set = The set of possible characters that can be represented in a computer system.
Check Digit = A form of redundancy check used for error detection (Data Validation). E.g. ISBN 13 or EAN 13.
Vector Image = An image drawn by following a set of mathematical instructions. Scales without pixelation.
Bitmap Image = An image created by an invisible grid of pixels with each pixel being assigned a particular colour.
Metadata = Literally data about data. Can describe the structure of a data file and is usually found at the start.
Data Representation 3
Resolution = The number of pixels used to represent an image.
Colour Depth = The number of bits used to store the colour information for each pixel.
Direct Colour = When red, green, blue (and transparency) levels are mixed to create the desired colour.
Digital Audio = Encoding sounds by converting thousands of samples per second into binary data.
Codec = Coder-Decoder. Used to convert between analogue and digital sources.
Sample Frequency = The number of audio samples captured every second.
Sample Size (Bit Depth) =The number of bits available for each individual sample.
Bit Rate = The number of bits used per second of audio. Equal to FREQUENCY x BIT DEPTH x CHANNELS
Data Compression = The process of encoding data so that it needs fewer bits/bytes to represent it.
Data Representation 4
Lossless Compression = Compression of data files without losing any of the information. The process is completely reversible.
Lossy Compression = Compression of data files where some of the information is lost but the loss of accuracy is acceptable. Not reversible.
Logic Gates = Take binary input(s) and provide an output depending on their type.
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