Computing - Fundamentals of Computer Systems
4.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings
- Created by: txrinrf
- Created on: 27-03-16 16:12
Computer Systems
- Computer - Electronic, programmable data processing machine
- System - Collection of parts that wrok together for some defined purpose
- Computer System - A collection of hardware and software that works together to achieve some data processing task
- Systems recieve inputs from the outside. They process these inputs. They output the results of the processing
- A system is seperated from the outside world by a system boundary (Interfaces)
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Importance of Computer System
Most aspects of our lives are affected by computer systems:
- Improved quality in manufacturing
- Cheaper manufacturing
- Faster access to information
- Better decision making
- New ways of doing business e.g. Online shopping
- New ways of communicating e.g. SMS
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Examples of computer systems
Holiday Booking
- Input: Dates, destinations, credit card details
- Outputs: itineraries, air tickets, hotel reservations
- Processing: Check availability, produce documents
- Input: Signals from satellites, Input from user
- Output: Route, places of interest, warnings
- Processing: check position, locate on map, output map
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Types of Computer Systems
- General Purpose - Designed to person multiple and can contain various applications e.g. smart phones and laptops
- Dedicated systems - Specially produced to perform a single function or set of functions e.g. a ticket vending machine
- Control systems - Computer systems that control machinery, rather than produce output for humans to reat or respond to
- Embedded Systems - Computer systems that are part of a large systems and they are usually also control systems e.g. Car systems
- Expert Systems - Computer systems designed to behave like human experts (Contain knowledge base, inference engine, an interface) e.g. used for making credit checks and diagnosing diseases
- Management information systems - Bring together the information from all parts of an organisation so that mangers can make sensible decisions e.g. Office automation systems automate workflow
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- Computers can play a central part in many life or death situations e.g. aircraft navigation and control
- Medical computer systems innclude activities such as record keeping, diagnosing diseases and DNA sequencing
- Reliability is expected when new computer systems are made - Mistakes can lead to: down time, expensive errors, data loss and compromosed privacy
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Data Integrity
- Integrity - Relates to data being accurate and consistent and makes sure that stored data reflects real world reality
- Database systems have rules that prevent inconsistent changes being made to data
- Data integrity can be compromised by: human errors, software bugs, hardware malfunctions and natural disasters
- Risks to data can be reduced by: Backing up data regularly, controlling access to data via security and using error detection and correction software
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Reliability and testing
- Reliability is improved through testing
- Testing is designed to uncover errors
- Testing can never be complete because: software is complex, testing is expensive and time consuming
- There are a large number of pathways in modern systems - there will always be errors
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- Standards - Conventions and rules for programming languages, operating systems, data formats, communications protocol etc.
- Originally there were no standards and each computer manufacturer made up its own rules
- Standards are important because they: enable equipment from different manufacturers to work together, make learning new systems easier, minimise waste, ensure fair play access to markets
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De Facto Standards
- De facto standards - Develop over time because of common usage - ensure that files and systems can be used by anyone
- E.g QWERTY keyboard layout, Microsoft word
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De Jure Standards
- De Jure Standards - De facto standards that have become so universally accepted that they have to be adhered to by law
- Examples: ASCII, Unicode
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Proprietary Standards
- Owned by an organsation and ensure compatibility between the company's products
- Often wifely used but are not approved by an independant standards body e.g. Windows
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Industry Standards
- Industry Standards - Set by recognised non-commercial organisations e.g. Americal National Standards Institute
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Open Standards
- Publicly available
- Produced collaboratively
- Not dominated by any one interest group
- Not for profit and available for free
- Sufficiently detailed
- Examples: HTTP, HTML, XML
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Ethical and Legal Issues
- Ethical act - One that is morally right
- Legal act - one that does not break any laws
- Widespread computer use has produced new legal and ethical challenges regarding: privacy, data security, access to sensitive data and copyright
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Data Protection
- Most governments have enacted laws that are intended to protect the privacy of individuals e.g. UK Data Protection Act
- Legislation is needed because it is easy to copy data, transmit data and match data and make judgements about people
- Other Laws such as copyright designs and patents act & computer misuse act
Principles of Data Protection Laws, Organisations must:
- Allow people to view data about them
- Correct information is requested
- Not use data in any way that may cause damage or distress
- Allow people to state that their data is not to be sold
- Protect data from unauthorised access
- Only collect data for specified purpose
- Not transmit personal data outside the European Economic area
Nowadays, a lot of cyber crime (crimes comitted with the aid of computers) are comitted & these criminals are difficult to find
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Environmental Issues
- Computers can benefit and damage environment e.g. Reduces need for travel and transport of goods, can lead to more efficient products that last longer and use energy more efficient
- Unused computer have to be disposed of - Contain toxic materials e.g. lead and cadmium
- E-waste is often shipped to LEDCs and put in landfills (where toxic chemicals can leak into soil & release dangerous toxins when burned)
Computer use a lot of energy and so do data centres. Methods to reduce energy used by computers include:
- Virtual servers rather than physical ones
- Solid state storage uses less energy
- Automatic standby switching
- Laying out equipment so that it can be cooled efficiently
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