- Created by: hollydavies2
- Created on: 17-05-17 14:26
Causes of Conflict
Identity: is a sense of belonging to group or geographical area where there is the same generic character, may be determined by ethnicity language and religion. People can be very protective of their idenitity and seek to maintain it at all costs. Nationalism: loysalty to a nation. Regionalism: consciousness of and loyalty to a distict region with a population that shares social similarities. Localism: an affection for a particular place.
Ethnicty: is grouping of people according to their ethnic origins/ characteristics, describes the raial make up of a population and the groups classed according to one or morecommon racial backgrounds. Culture: In a geographical sense, it is the customary beliefs, social norms and traits of racial religious set of shared attitudes.
Territory: is a geographical area belonging to or under jurisdiction of a governmental authority. Conflict can occur where there is a dispute about who does or should have authority over area. This can happen in area where there are low levels of population.
Ideology: Is a systematic body of consepts regarding human life or culture. It can result in a set of intergrated assertions that together constitute a sociopolitical programme, some= extreme amd force own view on other.
Patterns of Conflict
4 main scales of conflict in the world:
International: involves the participation of more than one country
National: where that conflict takes place with a country
Regional: takes place within area of one country or across borders
Local: restricted to a small part of one region of country
The Expression of Conflict
Non-Violent: Conflict of this naure doesn't involve force or armed struggle. Statement of discontent are made by word, sign, marching or silent protest. Some are very successful for example: in the Ukraine.
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine: Late november 2004 to january 2005 a series of protests and politial event took place. This was due the vote of 2004 presidential election which was compromised by corruption, voter intimidation and fraud. Kiev was the focal point of movement with thousands of protesters demonstrating daily. Revolution highlighted by series of acts of civil disobedience, sit-ins. The nation wide prostest succecced the results where anulled and a revote was ordered.
Political activity
Relates to groups operating with a country who seek to accquire and exert political power through governments.
The groups are known as parties and develop a political programme that defines their ideology ans sets out the agenda they would purse should they win.
Other patterns of conflict
Terrorism: the use of fear among the public as a way of trying to force authorities into action for political or ideological.
Insurrection: is an act or instance of revolt against civil authority or established government usually involving rebellion.
War: Is a state of open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations using armed forces.
COnflict resolution: means by which conflict at a veriety of scales can be brought to an end, can be achived by different means.
Conflict resolution
Means by which conflict at a variety of scales can be brought to an end. The expression of conflict can sometimes lead to its resoultion, it can be resolved by different means.
Conflict over use of Local Resource
such conflicts are resolved by market processes, planning processes or sometimes a combination planning processes.
Market processes: operate where the ability of the organisation undertaking the project to pay the going rate takes precedence over local or national concerns. Objectors cannot afford to outbid the developer.
Planning processes: are an attempt to provide a mean by which local community and organisation responsible for a proposal, but they have overal development control.
Local Conflict Case Study: i360
The issue:
against: cost £46 million, money funded by Brighton & Hove council, A lot of money for one building, eyesore on the seafront. The proposal of building the wind turbine would have damage wildlife habitats, The height of the building is not inline wit the seafront, and not inline with architecture.
For: chance for west pier revival, provides sea view, city view, brings investment to area and more tourists, 440 permenent jobs, 169 at the attraction.
Reasons for conflict: visual pollution,air pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, too expensive, could have spent money on something else, increased vechicle flows.
Planning permission: Monday July 2006 major development planns were submitted.
Conflict resolution: council loan is being repaid with extra 1 million a year used to reinvest in seafront regeneration, locals get reduced fees on enterance, WInners: council, tourisits, local businesses on the seafront, british airways. Losers: inhabitants nearby, local due to light pollution.
International conflict: Palestine and Israel Backg
A conflict of ethnicity, territory and resources(water).
Isreaelis are people who are jewish people born in israel many moved to escape persicution as were often selected against, Palastinians: mostly arabs and som christians who live in palastine furstrated as was not a state for a long time only in 1988. from 1960s to now israel nation is backed from the USA because was vulnerable to attacks, water shortages. The palestinian people have very little political influence, support and resources.
Many palestinians were forced out of their homes and had to take refugee in surrounding countries living in camps e.g. 1.3 million palestinians live in Jordan. Israelis put up walls and check points on roads between villages, which was said to stop bombing but delays everyday life, a wall was built as a barrier in west bank and some Israelis moved into palestinian areas illegally.
International conflict: Palestine and Israel Impac
Social: it is difficult to get work as the palestinians need to travel to israel to get jobs, their is a 40% unemployment rate in the Gaza *****, Increase in violence and crime in Gaza *****, 50% of the population in the gaza ***** is younger than 17. Due to the blockade(2007) cannot import resources in to area to rebuild buildings impacted by the war use shells insteas of gravel.
Economic impacts: Israeli's spent lots of money on border and weapons.
Palestinian: have little monay in circulation as much of the money is spent in israel as most of the jobs are there, lots of money spent on transport, Samll working popn only 50%, so little income, due to borders work is hard to find.
Environmental :
Lots of commuting so congestion and pollution increases, as the Gaza atrip is a poor area it is an unplesant area due to the crime rates. There is no waste disposal system in the Gaza *****.
Israeli settlers have moved into palestinian land which is illegal to increase the amount of land israel owns.
Multiculturalism in the UK: Reasons
Our past: how we treated different countries and our bonds. For example the Common Wealth countries: caribbean, Jamaica, West Indies, India ect. We accept refugee's from common wealth.
The collapse of communism: allowed people to access Britain e.g. polish people and other people from european countries. These workers are very skilled, hard workers and are ready to be paid less.
Schengen: The European Union gives a right to live in other countries which are part of the european union, so many migrants came to the UK. And places like the jungle in calais which is now dismantled which many refugees sayed in the hopes of coming to the UK and other countries.
Multiculturalism in the UK: Geographical Distribut
UK: overall 92.1% white population, London is the most ethnically diverse area with 45% white, 30% Asian, 20% Black and 5% mixed. Second most ethnically diverse place is Birmingham, Minorities are usually clustered in the inner city as there is cheap housing with others of the same ethnic groups causing a community.
Issues: Housing: low quality council accommodation a high rise flats built to keep up with the demands.
Education: the concentration of ethnic minorities has lead to some school dominated by1 ethnic group affecs education requirements.
Health: harder to communicated in hospitals etc
Language: often find intergration hard if don't know language
Religion: Some migrants follow different religions so have different religious holidays and religious calanders.
Nature: Seek political control, as feel oppressed as have differences to state and seek to split from it.
Reasons: an area which is economically depressed compared to another. Minority language/culture/religion. Collapse of state.
Consequences: Peaceful/Unpeaceful, Establish & maintain society norms, protection of language, growth of separate political parties, terrorist violence, civil war.
Separatism: Case Studies
The Basque Country: Region that includes parts of south france and north spain, Basque separatists want the region to become independent state, the basque people want to protect their history, language, culture.
Peaceful consequences: THey preserved their language, culture through school and media, a new political party formed to achieve further independence. have own parliament and education.
Non-peaceful consequences: ETA separatist group used violence in its campaign e.g. used sniper attacks and assassination bombed madria 2006.
The Kurds: largest ethnic group without a country of their own: live across borders of turkey, armenia,iraq,iran etc. 40mill have a separate language, history, culture often are oppressed
Dispite own language ect were expected to conform to ways of majority and identify with that nationality, Saddam Hussein ordered poison gas attack on kurdiistans- 5,000 killed
Is the state of being extermely poor, living on less than $1.25 a day is the definition.
Indicators: 1) Economic indicators, is the simplest way to examine poverty. in US dollars
2) Demographic ans socail indicators- north enjoy a better quality of life generally. To judge how developed a country is the birth, death, fertility, infant mortality rate need to be looked at etc.
3) composite quality of life indicators, have been developed which measure the quality of life indicators.
Physical qualities of life index- summaries infant mortality, life expectancy and basic literacy at 1. The human development index: measures 3 variable: life expectancy, education attainment and GDP per capita.
Global distribution: worldwide the number of people in developing countries below the international poverty line fell to 980 million, poverty levels fell in s-e asia.
Adressing poverty on a global scale
Millennium Developmental Goals created in 2000.
THere were 8 goals e.g. ensure 7-environmental stability, 1- eradicated extreme poverty.
Results: only one was achived which was 7 as 2.6 billion people gained access to drinking water, Now Sustainable development goals are 17 goals.
THink global, act local:
Used in specifically remote areas with harsh envrionmental conditions. THese are bottom up approaches: small scale projects which rase the standards of living in poor areas as they target locals needs,
PATH: is a project which help develop kits for clean delivering to reduce deaths in Bangladesh, Egypt, Nepal, Kits contain bar of soap, plastic sheet, string, razor blade, instructions. They are adapted to each country e.g. in Nepal it is tradition to cut the umbilical cord with a coin- so kit contains a plastic one to ensure infection is not spread.
Security & Development
Security = state of being free from danger, having a reliable economy, reliable amount of resources, food, job, energy security, protection against crime.
Development= economic wealth,quality of life, educatiom, renewable energy,access to clean water. How they impact eachother: TNCs withdraw from country- little development, so the economy drops- loss of foreign support decresed security. An increase in security means refugees can return and bring more business increasing the development. Security enable economic development e.g. rebuilding infrastructure, import goods.
No Security with out Development: Nigeria
Is the 3rd biggest economy in africa due to the discovery of oil in 1950s. 98% of the earnings were due to oil and gas. 45% of the population is below the poverty line as 80% of the earnings only benefit 1% of the very corrupt top.
They have no development as the money is going into higher peoples pockets, so there is no security.
Lack of envirnomental security as Farmers have been forced off their land, there were 7,000 oils spills in 30 years, and 2/3 of people are employed in the farming and fishing industry which has been destroyed by the spills, a decrease in yield and income because the lack of development caused lack of economic security.
No development without security: Afghanistan
Has been in a state of conflict since 1970s, so is not secure at all, consequently no development has occurred.
Produces 90% of worlds heroin which is a trade which decreases security and development.
It is one of the worlds poorest countries 42% live below the poverty line and 20% just on it or above.
Te hclimate plays a role as in winter it is snowing and cold and in summer there is sparce precipitation, 40% of land is irrigated ineffectively.
75% live rurally so rely on farming as a primary source of living.
Not developed as security is low many farmers get force to heroin industry and some officials are in the industry.
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