Consolidation of power section 13

  • Created by: maxread
  • Created on: 08-03-19 11:26

why did nazi want 1 party state?

  • view other parties as 'election machines'
  • represented sectional interests not national (coalitions of wiemar as example)
  • volksgemeinschaft- want all germans united thus divided by parties
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How was 1 party state achieved?

  • KPD- in effectivley banned after Reichstag fire 1933 27th feb
  • SPD- banned June 1933 as 'hostile to nation and state', oppposed enbaling act
  • DNVP+Centre- dissolved in 1933 as realise days are umbered

Law against formation of new partiees 14th July 1933

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Law of no parties?

july 1933

Law against formation of new parties

no non nazi parties allowed

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local governemnt pre nazi?

  • federal state
  • large powers givne to local authorities (e.g. police)
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hitlers reaction?

wants centralised power, thus wants to reduce state control

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laws passed to centralise?

  • March 1933- first law for coordination of federal states

- dissolved state assemblies

- replaced with nazi dominated assemblies

  • 2nd law for cofs- april 1933

- created reich govener post

- accountable directly to minister of interior (central)

- RG ensured policies layed down by central governmetn implemented locally

  • January 1934- law for reconstruciton of reich

- state assemblies abolished

- governments of states subbordinated to central

- RG kept but now redunadant

feb34 - reichstrat abolished

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what was a gauliter?

local nazi leader at regional/state level

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many became reich govener

used vioence to oust rivals locally 

e.g. mayors

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civil service pre nazi?

  • aristocratic and authoritarian
  • supported hitler as authoriarian (hated WR democracy)
  • beleived conservatives in hitler cabinet keep him at bay (papen etc)
  • wanted to remain largely independant
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nazi actions to cs?

wanted to get control over as a obstacle to dicatorial powers

  • forced local oficials to resign, replaced with nazis
  • - SA palced offical in gov offices to ensure compliance
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SA pre June 1934?

  • Jan 1933 election used as terror to scare voters into voting for nazi
  • Feb 1933- merge with stallhelm and auxiallary police status
  • feb to june- eliminate opposition and herlp establish control
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SA problems?

large and unruly

largely act independantly of hitler as so big and hard to control

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SA wants ?

'second revolution'

  • rohm wants to absorb and replace regular army with SA
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army reaction to second revolution?

Fear it

  • 4.5 million memebrs by jan 1934, outnumbering army
  • won't support hitler to suceed hindenberg unless SA dealt with
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hitler need for sa june 1934?

  • dictatorial powers achieved (enbling act , single party dtsate)
  • glietchshutiung completed
  • no longer require
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Actions to SA 1933 onwards?

  • August 33 lose auxillary police status
  • june 1934 notlk
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Rohm on hitler

' adolf is a swine'

'getting matey with the generals'

'they're his cronies now'

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hitler need for army?

  • only institution that can still remove him]
  • loyal to president, thus need to secure support to suceed hindenberg
  • SA begin stopping army convoys and consficating werapons

- fear hindenberg would use army to overthrow hitler

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  • 30th june 1934 
  • ** elimante sa leaders and political opponents
  • 84+ executed 
  • 1000+ arrested 
  • Rohm , General Schleicher, Von Kahr (munih putsch) killed
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effect of notlk?

army support hitler as succesor as no longer fear SA

  • Public= see hitler as decisive, contrast to WR
  • SA= lose influence wiht rohm, fall to 1.6m in 1935
  • **= replace SA for terror, more orgnised
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hitler pre hindenberg death?

  • army loyal to president , not in command 
  • power not absolute (enabling act expires after 4 yearsthen need hindenberg or reichstag)
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hindenberg death amd succesion?

died 2nd august 1934

  • army did not object to hitler succcesion
  • merged chancellorship and preesidency 
  • army swear allegience
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  • aug 1934
  • seal of approval from german poeple to accept hitler
  • for 89.1%
  • displays many still dislike hitler
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