Contagious skin disorders 0.0 / 5 ? OtherInjuries and IllnessUniversityAll boards Created by: Hayleigh WrightCreated on: 28-01-15 11:28 Animal parasites -> MITES Highly irritating - itchy allergic reaction Burrow into the epidermis where they feed, lay eggs, defecate and urinate. Signs and Symptoms include: Reddish or greyish lines on top of the epidermis Blisters 1 of 3 Animal parasites -> LICE Three types of lice: Head Body Pubic They spread by direct contact with someone who is infected. They crawl instead of flying or jumping. 2 of 3 Fungal Infections Ringworm: Small and ring like Red, scaly and itchy Come from direct contact with pets Jock itch: Associated with damp and tight clothing More common in males Athletes foot: Starts between the 3rd and 4th toe Foot burns and itches Dry and scaly skin on the toes Associated with warm, dark and humid conditions Mycoses: Create infections called Tinea Treated with antifungal cream, tablets or powder 3 of 3
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