Contemporary patterns of global migration.


Contemporary patterns of global migration.

The reasons for migration are diverse and the
decisions of potential international migrants depend
on many factors. Globally the majority of migrants
are economic migrants, seeking work and social
opportunities, often sending money back to their
family, known as migrant remittances. According to
the ILO, 72.7 per cent of the 206.6 million working age
migrants globally are economic migrants. According
to the UNHCR, there are also a growing number of
refugees (25.9 million), fleeing conflict zones and
persecution, and asylum seekers (3.5 million).
The impact of migration has affected every country
either as a place of origin, transit or destination. The
consequences are demographic, economic, social,
cultural, environmental and political. Migrants make
meaningful contributions to host countries. But at the
same time international migration entails loss of human
resources from countries of origin and may lead to
tensions in the country of destination.

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