
  • Created by: Elaine53
  • Created on: 26-02-15 11:18

Converting Units

Converting Units     


:1) A giant sea slug was 18.6 m in length. How long is this in cm?

1) Find the conversion factor:                     1m = 100 cm

                                                                  Conversion factor = 100

2) Multiply and divide by it:                       18.6 x 100 =1860 -  makes sense

                                                                 18.6 divide 100 = 0.186 - ridiculous

3) Chose the sensible answer:                18.6 m = 1860 cm

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More Conversions

Converting Speeds

Example: Sophie is driving at 60 km/h. The speed limit is 40 mph. Is she breaking the special limit?

1) First convert 60 km into miles: 1 mile = 1.6 km - Conversion factor = 1.6

                                                     60 x 1.6 = 96 - too big

                                                    60 divide 1.6 = 37.5 - makes sense, so 60 km = 37.5 miles

2) Add in the "per hour" bit to get the speed:

60 km/h = 37.5 mph

So, Sophie isnt breaking the 40 mph speed limit.

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